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Thursday 29 July 2010

Moto: You Don't Need To Dress Our Phones Up To Use Them    [ 29-07-2010 18:13 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Apple have plenty of their plate right now what with legal battles galore and and ever increasing number of governments demanding answers on everything from anti-competitive practices to overheating iPods. With all that going on you would think Apple would want to make things easy on themselves. Thing again! The whole Antennagate drama hasn't been made any less troublesome for Apple by the fact that they decided to drag other manufacturers into the soap opera and criticse their products. We've already seen several of those manufacturers hitting back at Apple; RIM famously published their 'narked' letter and Nokia has been taking a few pot shots as well.

Now Motorola has gotten in on the act after Apple recently released a video showing the Droid X losing signal when gripped in a certain (read not very likely in everyday use) manner. Moto were obviously none too happy at being dragged into the midst of Apple's saga and have hit back in a rather cheeky fashion. Their latest ad for the Droid X features a few hits aimed towards the iPhone 4 and they're pretty much bang on the money.

"At Motorola, we believe a customer shouldn't have to dress up their phone for it to work properly."

"... the Droid X comes with a dual antenna design. The kind that allows you to hold the phone any way you like ... without a bulky phone jacket."

Given the amount of hassle they're generating for themselves these days it might be a good idea for Apple to zip it from now on. The issue would probably have simmered down a great deal more had Apple not decided to drag others into it and you can't really blame the other guys for hitting back after seeing their names being tarnished by Apple's claims.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Froyo For Desire Tomorrow?    [ 29-07-2010 18:09 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Pocket-lint     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

HTC Desire owners could be in line for some Froyo sweetness from as early as tomorrow! Note the use of the word 'could' though. This all comes from some tweeting (of course!) from one Mark Moons who happens to be the regional director of HTC for the Benelux countries. He had tweeted the following:

We beginnen vanaf morgen met de upgrades naar Android 2.2 voor Desire, later meer devices

Translated that says that they start tomorrow with upgrades for the Desire, with other devices following on later. Pocket-lint then got in touch with Eric Lin, HTC's head honcho for PR to clarify the situation. Lin is backing Moons' tweet saying that some could indeed see an update to Froyo as early as tomorrow. Of course he added the usual corporate disclaimer of not being 100% certain and that there will still things to verify, etc. It's also worth pointing out that even if the update to Froyo does start tomorrow not everyone with a Desire may see it available right away. Moons also stated that "That does not mean everyone gets [it] directly tomorrow ... there is a bandwidth limit". Let's see what the morrow brings ...

Rating: Rating: 2

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Video: Blackberry Bold 9780    [ 29-07-2010 18:05 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Driphter     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Blackberry leaks seem to be ten a penny of late, RIM would probably just be better publishing their roadmap at this stage. At any rate the previously leaked Bold 9780 has been caught on camera again, this time though in a rather jolly walkthrough sort of affair. Driphter.com managed to snag the handset and have been taking it through its paces and showing off things like browsing using the webkit based browser. Interestingly enough that web surfing demo throws up something interesting: fast loading times, but there are some jitters when scrolling around a webpage. Hopefully this is something that gets rectified before the handset goes on sale. Anyway enough talk, onto the video!

Rating: Rating: 1

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Apple Faces Another Investigation ... This Time From The Japanese Government    [ 29-07-2010 17:32 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Gizmodo     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

They say fact is stranger and fiction and truth be told you just couldn't make this stuff up! Apple is embroiled in yet another legal wrangle, this time with the Japanese government. The issue centres around that old bug bear of Apple's: overheating devices. In this instance it's iPods that are the centre of attention with the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry mandating that Apple explain what exactly is behind various incidents of iPods overheating. iPods have apparently been overheating in Japan for the last few years now so it looks like the government there finally wants some answers. According to Seiji Shimagami of the ministry:

We've been asking they outline the preventive actions that have been taken for two years, but we question whether enough has been done so we took official action.

Failure to comply with the Japanese government's order would likely see Apple hit with a fine. It's just one of a series of disputes Apple is currently embroiled in and they seem to be attracting new one slike flies to .. well something smelly. So far Apple are being sued in the U.S. over faulty antenna design in the iPhone; sued in the U.S. due to overheating iPads; being investigated by the U.S. department of justice for possible anti-competitive practices as a result of their refusal to allow Adobe's Flash on their closed platofrm and there is also talk of the European Union forcing Apple to open up its systems to third party developers.

Rating: Rating: 2

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