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Monday 02 August 2010

Android Grew 900% In Q2    [ 02-08-2010 15:35 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Analyst firm Canalys has been going over the numbers released by the various players in the smartphone business for Q2 and has some interesting trends to report. Smartphone shipments surged ahead 64% year on year indicating the market segment is still enjoying healthy growth despite weak economic conditions in many parts of the world. There are a few notable mentions in the figures so we'll take a look at each in turn:

Apple saw shipments of iPhones grow a very healthy 61% compared with Q2 of 2009, but crucially slowler than the 64% growth for the smartphone segment overall. However, the increase it did see has put it in third place as the best selling platform, with RIM taking the second spot.

Nokia managed to hold onto their lead of the smartphone market and command a still impressive market share of 38%. Smartphone shipments were up 41%, much lower than Apple, but that figure actually represents a record number for Nokia in that 23.8 million units were shipped during Q2. It's still important to recognise though, that like Apple, they are growing slower than the market is overall.

RIM managed to ship enough units to maintain its place as the second most popular purveyour of smartphones with an 18% share of the market. RIM's growth rate was the same as Nokia's, 41% for Q2, and like Nokia this represents a slower than market growth rate.

Android has emerged as the big winner here in terms of growth with an almost 900% increase in shipments. The overall market growth rate is 64% for Q2 and to say that Android exceeds that figure would be something of an understatement. The actual figure is 886%, but we have to remember the context of this figure, which is that Android is essentially building its base at the moment. Growth rates are always going to be spectacular when you are starting off near the bottom. Having said that if Android can maintain even a fraction of this growth rate they should be propelled straight to the top of the smartphone market in a matter of a few years.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Android Market Passes the 100k Mark    [ 02-08-2010 14:29 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The number of apps in a given store has long been used as a metric of just how well that particular store is doing. Apple, for example, have long made a big play of their App Store being the biggest and most popular. Well Android has now become the second app store to pass the landmark 100,000 mark. That's 100,000 apps in case you wondered. Whilst that number is impressive in and of itself it becomes a lot more impressive when you realise that the Android Market had just 50,000 apps back at the end of April. In other words the number of Android apps has doubled within the last three months. For further perspective remember that the Market is just over a year old. Inevitably some are already starting to wonder if and when the Android Market will overtake Apple's App Store to claim the crown of biggest app store. Given the pace at which the Market is growing it is certainly a possibility, but no matter how good a headline it would make for Google, quantity alone does not a good app store make.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Apple Deletes Videos of Rival Phones    [ 02-08-2010 13:48 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Pocket-lint     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Now we bring you the never ending tales of the Antennagate Saga! Yes that's right folks there has been yet another twist in this apparently never ending drama. This time it's Apple themselves filling a few column inches with their decision to pull the videos showing rival's handsets from their American website. There was no reason given for the move and to be honest there probably won't be one issued either, but that doesn't stop rampant speculation from wondering as to the motive behind the deletion. Could it be legal action? A PR damage limitation exercise? Both valid theories, but interestingly the videos were not removed from Apple's UK website (EDIT: The videos now appaear to have been removed from the UK website). Legal action, or the possibility of legal action is certainly a possibility, especially given some of the reactions from rival manufacturers. The PR damage limitation theory is also viable, especially if Apple were hoping that they had put an end to the matter with their press conference. We imagine we'll hear more on this issue before too long ...

Rating: Rating: 5

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GSM Calls Intercepted By Hacker & DIY Kit    [ 02-08-2010 13:25 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

GSM hasn't been known for impregnable security before now, but the latest security breach for the protocol should be a sign that it really is on its last legs when it comes to securing peoples' calls. Mobile security expert Chris Paget (the same chap who hacked US passports last year) managed to fool 17 mobile phone sinto thinking that his homegrown kit of a laptop and some antennas was in fact a base station. The result was that he was able to intercept calls and even record them. Paget summed it up pretty succintly when he said "As far as your cell phones are concerned, I'm now indistinguishable from AT&T".

Now this isn't a perfect hack it has to be said, for example, the interception only works for outbound calls. There is also the fact that caller ID can be a clue to the owner of the handset that something is amiss. Paget did note, however, that professional interception outfits that are used by the police don't have these drawbacks. Thus, he theorised, it wouldn't be all that long before the amateur community would see these features become available. The only sure fire way of protecting yourself from this is to not use GSM, but frankly that's not likely to happen anytime soon for most of the billions of people who use it.

Rating: Rating: 2

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X10 Mini & Mini pro Rooted    [ 02-08-2010 12:56 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: SE-NSE     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The unstoppable march of the root brigade has arrived at the doorstep of the X10 Mini (and the Mini pro too!). The procedure was posted up on XDA-Developers (where else?) a few days ago by Kabaldan and you can check it out for yourself here. Perhaps matching the diminutive and unassuming nature of the two devices there hasn't been the usual hue and cry over this rooting as we often see when other Android handsets are rooted. Some have suggested this has more to do with Sony Ericsson themselves and their 'fading star', but remember that the X10, the big brother to these handsets, was itself rooted not long ago and that received a fair bit of coverage in the tech blogosphere. At any rate the root procedure is out there for you to take a look at so enjoy!

Rating: Rating: 1

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