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Wednesday 21 July 2010

Video: Apple Demo Death Grip On N97 Mini    [ 21-07-2010 18:25 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Apple seems to have really gone to lengths to prove that it's not just their own wayward progeny experiencing dropped signal issues, but smartphones from a variety of manufacturers. Nokia had already come in for a pasting from Apple at their press event, but Apple are apparently not content to leave it there as they also made a video showing the Nokia N97 Mini dropping from a full seven bars of reception to a scant two bars. Mind you the video doesn't say whether that resulted in a dropped call or lost data as has been the case with the iPhone 4. It also flies in the face of Nokia's claim to put antenna performance over a handset's design. Watching the video you'll notice that it's another tight grip of death, not exactly what many iPhone 4 users have been doing to be fair.

Rating: Rating: 3

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Moto & Verizon Confirm Droid X Screen Problem    [ 21-07-2010 18:18 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: BGR     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The Droid X has not had the best of starts in life what with some people reporting problems with its screen. Essentially some screens are experiencing flickering and banding issues and now Verizon have issued a statement on the matter in the hopes of taking it head on.

"Verizon Wireless and Motorola are aware of a very small number of DROID X units that have experienced a flickering or banding display. Motorola has resolved the issue and is continuing to ship the phones. Any consumer who experiences a flickering or banding display should contact a Motorola customer support center or Verizon Wireless."

Short and sweet to say the least. It's interesting to note the phrase 'very small number of DROID X units' because the statement itself doesn't actually elucidate that point, however, Engadget are reporting that the actual figure is somewhere in the region of 0.1% of Droid X's experiencing these screen problems. At any rate the statement claims Motorola have fixed the issue and that customers with this problem should contact either Motorola or Verizon. Case closed (hopefully).

Rating: Rating: 1

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Free Bumpers To Cost Apple $175 Million    [ 21-07-2010 17:50 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Pocket-lint     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Apple may just have posted its best ever earnings, but it's not all good news on the financial front over at Cupertino. The ongoing 'Antennagate' debacle has resulted in the company promising free bumpers to its iPhone 4 customers, a move that will cost Apple somewhere in the region of $175 million. That's the figure from Peter Oppenheimer, Apple's CFO, who said that's how much the free bumpers would cost.

"We will be deferring revenue corresponding to the value of the cases that have yet to be ordered by or delivered to eligible customers under this offer as of the end of the September quarter. We expect the cost to be $175 million and we expect the September quarter deferral to be recorded as revenue in the Decmber quartere."

$175 million is a huge amount of money, but it's dwarfed by how much analysts estimate a full recall would have cost Apple ... around $1.5 billion, or 8.5 times the cost of the bumpers.  Even so Apple are unlikely to pleased at having to spend $175 million, especially when it appears many, perhaps even a majority, of customers are still not satisfied.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Video: Banned iPhone Promo    [ 21-07-2010 17:37 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: jle via IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

With Antennagate still doing the rounds on tech sites it's become all too easy to laugh at Apple and how they've handled the issue and that's exactly what you'll be doing when you see this latest parody of the iPhone 4's reception problems. It was created by jle and is entitled 'Another Banned iPhone 4 Promo'. The 'another' part come about as they already had a pretty funny parody video out there lampooning the marketing spin Apple engages in when releasing a new product. Getting back this new video it really hits the right notes in trying to imitate Apple's style and you can almost see the real Apple employees sitting here saying lines such as:

"We made the iPhone 4 practically idiot proof. There are three places on this phone you don’t touch, and they’re clearly marked. What did you think those were for?"

"A lot of people are complaining about dropped calls and what I would say is ... use the headset."

Rating: Rating: 1

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Video: Blackberry Curve 9300 Video Walkthrough    [ 21-07-2010 17:12 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Mainguyen via TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

RIM's forthcoming Blackberry Curve 9300 has been putting on a show for the cameras again, but this time in much more detail. The 9300 isn't exactly anything to get terribly excited about in terms of specs, it is after all essentially your bog standard Blackberry with 3G thrown into the mix, but it should at least be a bit less expensive than the top tier models so no doubt it will attract its share of fans. The 9300 has been out and about before, but usually in blurry pictures. Well here we have it on video for a glorious 7 minutes thanks to the chaps at Mainguyen, a Vietnamese mobile site. The video is pretty good quality and crucially offers a fairly extensive look at the handset and confirms some of the specifications that have already come to light such as the 3.2 MP camera. The video is, as you would expect, in Vietnamese, but you can still get a good feel for the device just by watching. You can check it out below:

Rating: Rating: 1

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