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Thursday 22 July 2010

Moto Sues Huawei Over Trade Secrets    [ 22-07-2010 15:47 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Mobile manufacturers seem to love legal actiion, at least that's the assumption you could be forgiven for making if you studied any of them for any length of time. Motorola have just slapped a lawsuit on Huawei, claiming that they have been pilfering their trade secrets. The lawsuit actually harks back to an earlier lawsuit that was filed back in 2008, in which Motorola sued former employees for allegedly selling industrial secrets to another Chinese company, Lemko. Lemko, interestingly enough had a reseller agreement with Huawei. Huawei are of course denying that they have done anything wrong, but this latest move by Motorola alleges that one of its former engineers passed on information about a Motorola transceiver as well as other confidential information to none other than Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei.

Huawei released a statement saying:

"Huawei has no relationship with Lemko, other than a reseller agreement. Huawei will vigorously defend itself against baseless allegations."

It's not a huge stretch of the imagination to wonder whether this will play out like oh so many other tech lawsuits with some sort of compromise down the road, especially considering that the lawsuit has been filed in the U.S. and U.S. courts have no power to enforce decisions in China. It will also be a case many tech companies operating in China will be watching closely with concern over China's ability to enforce intellectual property rights.

Rating: Rating: 3

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Android Fragmentation: Not As Bad As It Looks    [ 22-07-2010 13:01 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: UnwiredView     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

One particularly worrying aspect of the Android platform has been the predicted fragmentation many said would start cropping up as new iterations of the OS appeared faster than manufacturers were able to adopt. That prediction has come about in part, albeit not quite as dramatically as perhaps some envisaged. Google have released some new figures, which show that currently more than half of all Android devices are running Eclair (Android 2.1) whilst the most recent version, Froyo (Android 2.2), is active on just 3.3% of Android devices. To be fair though there is only one handset that has had the Froyo update made available, officially anyway, and that is of course the Nexus One.

The remaining Android userbase is made up of handsets running either 1.5 or 1.6, together accounting for some 41%. Loooking at those figures it becomes apparent that whilst there is indeed fragmentation in Android it isn't all that pronounced and indeed the platform seems to be correcting itself with more and more users moving towards the later versions of the OS. There are some commentators though that wonder whether Google should place a 'cap' on the use of older versions of Android so that new handsets using older software can't be released after a certain period of time.

Rating: Rating: 5

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Microsoft Giving All Employees Free Windows Phone 7 Device    [ 22-07-2010 12:53 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Microsoft employees will be benefiting from Redmond's generosity later this year as the company will be giving every single employee a free Windows Phone 7 device. That's a pretty generous move as Microsoft has somewhere in the region of 90,000 employees around the world. Of course the actual cost of the giveaway isn't likely to break the bank at Redmond, but it does do two key things. Firstly it gets Microsoft's employees away from using Android and iPhones and secondly it does boost the effort to get the Windows Phone 7 message out through word of mouth. It also draws some attention to the new paltform through tech writers like myself writing articles like this.

The confirmation of the move came through that conveyor of all that's important in the early 21st century, Twitter. Mary Jo Foley, the famed Microsoft guru/reporter tweeted:

"90K down … just under 30 million to go: RT @simchabe: Woot. Every single microsoft employee will get a windows phone 7 #mgx"
So far Windows Phone 7 has garnered mostly positive reviews although one writer did describe it as a 'disaster

Despite that just being one opinion there have been rumblings from other tech media that the lack of multi-tasking and features like copy/paste may mean that Windows Phone 7 is left in the wake of rival platforms.

Rating: Rating: 4

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Video: Blackberry 9800 Gets Spotted Again    [ 22-07-2010 12:18 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Pocket-lint     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Yesterday it was the Curve 9300, today it's the turn of the 9800. Yes that's right folks it's time for another Blackberry handset to leak on video. The 9800 is RIM's forthcoming flagship and as yet the actual name of the device isn't known i.e. will it be the Bold 9800 or the Torch 9800, etc? At any rate today's video is a bit shorter than yeterday's, coming in at just a minute and a half, but that's just enough time for us to see the Blackberry OS 6 boot sequence in all its primal glory. We also get the chance to see some web browsing on the device and there's some pinching and zooming to boot. It's not the first time the 9800 has been seen in the wild of course and going on previous leaks the specs list is said to include a 5 MP camera, 3.2 inch touchscreen with 360x460 resolution and support for 3G and WiFi.

Rating: Rating: 2

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BlindType: Most Accurate Virtual Keyboard Ever?    [ 22-07-2010 12:00 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Whenever a new software keyboard comes out we hear the inevitable catchphrases of it being the best ever, of it being 'revolutionary', etc. Some of them turn out to be pretty good to be fair, but this latest effort, BlindType, actually looks like it might just live up to those buzzwords. The chaps behind it describe it as being 'extremely tolerant to typing errors' or in other words you can have the shakes and it will still throw out a passable sentence. Whatever their algorithm for predicting text is it looks to be bang on the money as you will see in the video below. BlindType gets its name from another feature, the ability to dynamically adjust to however the user is typing i.e. the size and orientation of the keyboard change to suit the user. Hence the name 'BlindType' in so far as it's meant to allow for blind operation.

BlindType is being submitted to the Android Market and Apple's App Store, however, whilst Android users can look upon getting this as a certainty iPhone users may not be so lucky. BlindType's designers have confirmed that they will require Apple's default button slate to be replaced. Whether Apple allows that is anyone's guess ...

Rating: Rating: 1

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