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Thursday 08 July 2010

Video: Froyo vs iOS 4 ... Still A Froyo Win, But Only Just    [ 08-07-2010 17:50 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

You will remember from yesterday that Ars Technica did some testing on JavaScript execution, comparing Android 2.2 (Froyo) to iOS 4 and that Froyo won by a longshot. Well Engadget have been conducting some tests of their own and the results are a bit closer it has to be said, well actually a lot closer. They pitted a Nexus One running Froyo with Flash support installed against an iPhone 4 16 GB. The tests resulted in a tie when rendering BBC News, gdgt and The Onion, but the iPhone was a few seconds faster when loading Engadget and the Nexus One a few seconds faster when loading the New York Times. So it's a tie then? Not quite. You see the chaps at Engadget then wondered how uninstalling Froyo's Flash support would affect matters and sure enough the Nexus One did load the test sites faster than the iPhone 4 although the speed increase seen was small with the operative word being small. So Ars got it wrong then? Not quite. The sites Engadget used to carry out its test don't use JavaScript to any great extent, which was what the Ars test was focused upon. The Engadget tests do give the edge to Froyo though because even with Flash installed it manages to keep pace with iOS 4.

The first video has Flash support installed on Froyo and the bottom video has it uninstalled.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Video: Junaio App Brings Interactive Fun To AR    [ 08-07-2010 17:46 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Augmented Reality is most definitely one of the most interesting fields in the current mobile space and whilst it has been somewhat slow to fulfill its promise, the most exciting aspects remain as proof of concept, some apps are starting to push the boundaries a little farther. Case in point is Junaio's latest 2.0 update, which brings a feature called 'Glue' to the table. The feature works similar to the layers that you can add to Layar in that a content developer can choose to develop their own specific channel, but unlike Layar's layers Glue's channels can scan what the device can see for specific objects. When it finds the relevant object it can then act upon it. What exactly does 'act upon it' mean? Well, for example, in the video below you can see the handset being pointed towards a cartoon of a superhero, which then results in a 3D model of the superhero appearing onscreen and he's interactive! Tap on him and he points his gun at you. It's early days yet for the app, but looking towards the medium and long term this sort of implementation of AR could prove very exciting for advertisers who would be able to link up their real world advertising or even random objects with interesting interactive content. The app is currently available to both Android and iPhone customers so you can try it for yourself.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Video: Apple To Launch 'Friend Bar'    [ 08-07-2010 17:23 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: The Onion     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Apple has pretty much been taking flak from all sides recently over various problems with its latest iPhone not to mention impending anti-trust investigations over its business practices. This of course has given rise to a wealth of Apple satire, some of it funny, some of it not, and some of it really really funny. Into that last category comes this video from the Onion, and you just know it's going to be good when it's from the Onion. According to the spoof news report Apple have launched the 'Friend Bar', which is a take on the Genius Bar, but instead of solving problems the Friend Bar staff are there to just chat with Apple customers about Apple related stuff. The video goes on to say that Apple are set to launch 'iStore', a miniture version of an Apple Store that you can buy and setup in your own home. Make sure you check out the video, this has to be one of the best Apple rips we've seen so far.

New Apple Friend Bar Gives Customers Someone To Talk At About Mac Products

Rating: Rating: 2

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Silverlight Comes To Symbian    [ 08-07-2010 17:15 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Symbian Team Blog     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

It's not often you hear something positive about Symbian these days given the lacklustre progress the platform has made recently, especially when compared with the breakneck pace of innovation over on the Android campus. However, today sees some good news for Symbian fans for a change with the announcemet that Microsoft's Silverlight has come to the paltform. The addition will be available to owners of Symbian S60 5th edition devices, such as the 5800, and they will be able to get their hands on it from none other than the Ovi Store. Sadly for those using non-Nokia Symbian devices e.g. the Sony Ericsson Satio, there was no word on whether they too will be able to get a hold of Silverlight. Silverlight allows for a richer web experience with supported handsets able to access more content as well as support features like web apps, streaming media and hardware support H.264 playback. It's maybe not the pace of change some Symbian fans are hoping for, but something is better than nothing right?

Rating: Rating: 2

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Video: Ubuntu On A Nexus One    [ 08-07-2010 17:10 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: NexusOneHacks via BGR     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

It's always exciting to see what the hacking/modding community will come up with next and today's effort is pretty cool, especially if you are a Linux fan. A tutorial over on nexusonehacks.net shows you how to squeeze Ubuntu onto a Nexus One and there is even a nice video of the accomplishment to boot. Actually the video is the tutorial, guiding you through how to carry out the procedure. It runs pretty well althouhg browsing was perhaps a little awkward at times as the video narrator points out himself.

Rating: Rating: 1

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