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Friday 09 July 2010

Rumour: The New iPod Shuffle?    [ 09-07-2010 16:32 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Gizmodo     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

A picture purporting to show the next generation iPod Shuffle has come to light and if it turns out to be real would mean we can look forward to a Shuffle with a ridiculously tiny touchscreen. How ridiculously small? 1.2"x1.2". That's pretty small. The component itself is stamped 'Apple', but of course that doesn't necessarily mean anything in this day and age, but the less skeptical amongst you may take it as a sign of credence. tx.apple.pro are saying that the picture comes from 'deep inside the throat', presumably they mean Apple's throat in that colourful metaphor. The main problem with such a device would undoubtedly be how to operate it using such a small screen. One handed operation would almost certainly prove very difficult with a device that small so you'd be using both hands and the onscreen controls would, one imagine's, be very simplistic. As always with these things take with a hefty pinch of salt, but enjoy the picture.

Rating: Rating: 2

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iPhone 4 Catches Fire    [ 09-07-2010 16:13 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: BGR     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

To say that the iPhone 4 has had a rocky start would be something of an understatement; yellowing screens, stock shortages and the infamous antenna issue all served to cloud the launch of what was described as the best iPhone ever. Well you can add another problem to the list ... the iPhone 4 is apparently prone to catching fire! The pictures below paint the picture pretty well, you can see the melted USB cable and the charred USB port on the handset itself. The story behind it is pretty straightforward; the handset was hooked up to a computer using the USB cable and became very hot, resulting in the handset getting fried along with the USB cable. The owner even burnt his hand slightly on the super hot bezel. The Boy Genius Report are reporting that an Apple Store did confirm that the issue was down to a faulty USB port on the handset and was not a result of user error. It's an isolated incident at the moment, and hopefully it stays that way, but it won't do much to help the iPhone 4's already battered reputation.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Android Up 4% In U.S., Everyone Else Down    [ 09-07-2010 12:06 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Market research firm comScore has released some very interesting figures that show Google's Android platform surging up the U.S. market share rankings with an increase of 4% in the first 3 months of this year. A 4% increase is notable in and of itself of course, but what makes this increase particularly interesting is that Android is the only major smartphone OS in the U.S. that didn't see a decline in its market share during the same period. RIM, for example, saw its 42.1% share dip 0.4% to 41.7% and Apple saw a larger decline of 1% in the same period. Of course Android's market share as a whole still lags behind both RIM and Apple, indeed Apple commands almost double the share of Android and RIM is still by and far the leader of the pack. However, these figures would seem to suggest a significant swing in favour of Android, but caution is also advised due to the fact that these figures are pre-iPhone 4. When the next set of quarterly results are made known later in the year the iPhone 4, along with major Android releases like the EVO, may have had enough of an impact to see these figures turned on their head, or perhaps not if the figure of 77% of iPhone 4 buyers being existing iPhone owners is to be believed ...

Rating: Rating: 5

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Video: aCircuit Board Live Wallpaper Best Yet?    [ 09-07-2010 10:31 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

There's been a mini flood of cool wallpapers over the last week or so and this one is no exception, in fact it's probably the best live wallpaper we've seen yet. It basically replicates a circuit board with all the bits and bobs you would expect from a circuit board, there's even a binary clock included in it. That sort of functionality is extended with things like blinking lights that show your WiFi and Bluetooth status. It's an interactive wallpaper so tapping on it makes it do things e.g. lights go on and off, the fan will shut down, etc. Words don't do it justice though so take a look at the video below for a hands-on tour of the wallpaper. If you're interested in trying it out for yourself, and you'd be mad not to, go download it from the Android Market. It costs 99 yen, which is roughly a dollar or thereabouts. Well worth it in our opinion.

Rating: Rating: 3

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HTC Wants Windows Phone 7 Handset From 'Day One'    [ 09-07-2010 10:28 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Unwired View     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

HTC has been one of Microsoft's biggest abckers in the mobile space having released many a handset sporting Windows Mobile over the years. Even as WinMo itself came in for criticism the quality of HTC's products, especially its SENSE interface, often mitigated some of that criticism. With the decline of WinMo and the rise of Android you could be forgiven for thinking that HTC had abandoned Redmond for the Googleplex these days, but HTC are keen to point out that they are still very much in the running when it comes to Windows phones. Eric Lin, HTC's global PR and online community manager, spoke to Pocket-lint and reassured them that HTC would be in the Windows Phone 7 game from 'day one'.

"I know that we’re working with Microsoft. I know that we have access to the OS, to the tools, so I have every reason to believe that we’re going to be there on day one".

Both Samsung and LG are also working on their own Windows Phone 7 devices so we're likely to see three separate devices at launch, at the very least. Sony Ericsson are also rumoured to be working on a Windows Phone 7 handset although whether that will be ready in time for the platform's launch remains to be seen.

Rating: Rating: 1

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