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Tuesday 06 July 2010

Video: Flash Ported to iPad    [ 06-07-2010 17:06 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

We all know that Apple would sooner burn every iPad on the planet than see them sullied with Flash, but that hasn't stopped people from wanting it. Step in the ever resourceful hacking community. In this case a hacker named Comex, who just happens to be the same chap responsible for the Spirit jailbreak, has come up with the goods, which he is dubbing 'Frash'. Frash is based upon the 10.1 Flash Player available for Android 2.2  and Comex has gotten it to run natively from within Safari on the iPad, which you can see in the video below. Using technobabble like 'multi process modeling' Frash won't cause the whole Safari browser to crash if (and maybe when) Frash itself goes belly up as Comex himself explains:

"Frash uses a multi-process model similar to Chrome on the desktop, so a crash in the Frash/Flash plugin doesn’t take down the browser. You can see this while I’m playing Alien Hominid: the ad above crashed (probably a Frash bug), but Safari stays open just fine, and continues to play other Flash content on the page."

Now for the bad news ... it's not publicly available yet. That's because it's not yet stable enough so fair play there, plus there is no keyboard input support yet either, but Comex is sure that keyboard support will be along soon enough with video support taking a wee bit longer, but coming too.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Samsung Dethrones Nokia in W. Europe    [ 06-07-2010 16:30 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Western Europe has a new leader in feature phones and it's not Nokia. That crown on Nokia's head is starting to slip a bit, probably from the increasing amounts of sweat that Nokia must be producing as it sees the competition encroach. In Q1 of this year Samsung took the top spot in Western Europe with 12.2 million feature phones sold compared with Nokia's 9.1 million. That figure represents an 18% decline in sales for Nokia. They can take some comfort though as they are still the leading manufacturer of smartphones with 4.9 million sold across Western Europe, Samsung barely registered in terms of smartphones, only managing to muster up 0.3 million sales. Still it's a far cry from the days when Nokia's position in its home market was virtually unassilable and should ring some alarm bells in Espoo that the terms 'mobile phone' and 'Nokia' are no longer interchangeable in many European minds. The rest of the competition is also baying at Nokia's door with Apple seeing 3 million smartphones sold in W Europe and RIM looking at 2.4 million Blackberries. HTC isn't slouching either, racking up 0.9 million sales. Sony Ericsson managed to scrape together 3.7 million Q1 sales, but that was for both smartphones and featurephones.

Rating: Rating: 3

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iOS 4 Pac-Man Wallpaper ... Not As Uber As Mario    [ 06-07-2010 16:27 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: geeksugar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

That Super Mario Bros. live wallpaper for Android that we showed you recently obviously threw something of a gauntlet down to the iPhone community and they have answered ... with a Pac-Man wallpaper! The wallpaper is all nice and synced up with the placement of app icons so you can see the wallpaper in its full glory. For those hoping for some interactivity here we have bad news for you, the iPhone does not yet support live wallpapers so this is just a static image (how very 20th century) let alone an interactive wallpaper. The Mario wallpaper for Android was a live wallpaper so no interaction their either, but at least it allowed you to see everyone's favourite Italian plumber leaping and bounding about. If you have an iPhone and can get a data signal then you can download the wallpaper here.

Rating: Rating: 3

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Twidroid Renamed Twidroyd ... Coming to Millions of Android Devices    [ 06-07-2010 13:36 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Twitter's official app for Android just got some new competition from an old player today. Confused? Well it's pretty simple really, TweetUp has just bought Twidroid, one of the Android platform's most popular Twitter clients and one of the most widely praised in reviews. As part of the acquisition TweetUp have renamed the app to Twidroyd and that's an interesting story in itself because of the reason behind the name change. What could that reason be? Marketing buzz? A hipper sounding name? No, none of that. The reason is so that TweetUp can stay clear of George Lucas' army of lawyers since using the term 'droid' apparently instantly makes one think of Star Wars and using an app called Twidroid instantly makes the user think he has a lightsaber in his hand instead of a phone. At any rate the newly christened app is apparently going to come pre-installed on 'hundreds of millions' of handsets from five of the leading manufacturers. There was no mention as to which five, but given the state of Android sales at the moment it's not a huge leap of the imagination to guess who they might be ...

Rating: Rating: 5

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Video: Qualcomm Demos AR Games    [ 06-07-2010 12:13 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Augmented Reality 9AR) is one of those areas that has great promise, but which hasn't quite found its footing yet. Sure there are some great apps out there like Layar, but as good as they are they are still basically novelties at the moment rather than services people actively engage with on a daily basis. Looking to change that perception is Qualcomm (yes the same people who make the Snapdragons for your smartphones). They've just announced a series of measures aimed at giving AR a boost, not the least of which is a $200,000 pot up for grabs in a developer challenge. They are also releasing a SDK with open beta appearing in the autumn and they are launching an AR gaming studio. It's this last point that perhaps has the most promise because up until now AR has largely focused on utility apps e.g. the afore mentioned Layar. With games AR might just engage with a whole new audience.

As part of their effort Qualcomm got friendly with Mattel (yes the people that make Barbie) and they came up with a an AR game called 'Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots'. It's a proof of concept effort and you can see how it plays out in the video above. Setting aside the cheese factor in the video the game does actually look pretty good fun. It doesn't stop there though because Qualcomm are looking pretty serious in their effort to push AR games and to that end they are seeking to bring cross-platform compatability into the equation. Cross compatability would make financial sense in that it would expand the customer base, which would in turn mean more money for devs and thus more devs developing more games. You can see the cross compatability idea in action in the second video where three people play the same game using a Nexus One  over Bluetooth, a N900 over WiFi and a Dell laptop. Check it out below.

Rating: Rating: 4

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