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Monday 05 July 2010

HTC Vision - QWERTY Android    [ 05-07-2010 17:18 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

HTC have produced some of the hottest Android handset of the past couple of years, but a glaring omission from their portfolio of late, well really ever since the original G1, has been a QWERTY keyboard equipped device. Even those Android handsets that do have keyboards have been met with something of a mixed reception when it comes to rating their keyboards. Sure plenty of people liked the keyboard son the Droid, but there were also plenty who didn't quite gel with it. HTC, on the othe rhand, does have a pretty good reputation for making its keyboards good when it chooses to make them at all. Well the picture below shows the HTC Vision, the name not being definite at this point of course. It's 3.7" capacitive beast of a phone that packs in the QWERTY keyboard, a 1 GHz processor and either an AMOLED or LCD screen, the exact details not being known. Availability? No idea as yet, but we can see this proving pretty popular with those looking for some decent QWERTY action from their Android device.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Video: Nokia Protoype Gets Remoted Wiped    [ 05-07-2010 16:53 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: TechnoBuffalo     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

You emember that mystery Nokia that appeared a few days ago, the one that everyone was saying might be the N9 and that our very own Eldar said was more likely to be a variant of the C7? Well it's back ... but not for long. TechnoBufallo had produced a rather nice hands-on video of the unit, talking us through the software, etc when something very unexpected, but interesting to say the least, happened. Nokia remotely wiped the phone! The actual remote wipe itself occurs at the end of the video and you can see the narrator acting a bit puzzled as he doesn't realised what has happened at first. However, make sure you watch the video all the way through because, in addition to the wipe, it is actually a pretty interesting hands-on in its own right.

Nokia from Techno Buffalo on Vimeo.

Rating: Rating: 3

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LG Launching Android Tablet In Q4    [ 05-07-2010 16:52 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

With the recent news that Samsung were planning on releasing a bevy of Android powered tablet devices you just knew that LG couldn't be far behind with an Android tablet of their own. It's not as if they're bitter rivals or anything ... oh wait ... At any rate this is what LG are planning to do and they are saying that their tablet is going to be 'different' from what is currently on offer. 'Different' is an interesting word, but presumably they mean that it is going to have some advantage over the tablets we have seen so far. Sadly, and rather annoyingly, there are no tech specs for the proposed tablet as yet so it's impossible to say just how good, or bad, it's going to be, but it's a reasonably safe assumption that LG will want it to be at least on par with anything Samsung are offering. Interestingly though the announcement only concerns one Android tablet whereas Samsung look to be launching a series of, albeit closely related, Android tablets. The planned release is simply given as sometime before the end of the year so you shouldn't have too long to wait to see it in the flesh.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Google to Boost Android in China & India    [ 05-07-2010 16:34 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Google are set to step up their efforts in pushing Android in developing markets like China and India, principally through installing the OS on budget handsets made by manufacturers like Huawei and LG. Commenting on the push Google's vice-president of engineering, Andy Rubin, said "The down-market opportunity is about to happen. It's actually quite a revolution." Both China and India are numerically huge markets albeit markets that have large numbers of customers on small incomes who would find it hard to purchase the standard crop of Android devices like the Desire or Milestone. In that respect Android has a serious advantage over Apple's iOS platform, which is restricted to expensive hardware that is often difficult for many people in developed markets to afford let alone customers in developing countries. Google are also looking to give Android a boost by making it more profitable for developers. To that end they are going to make it easier to accept in-app payments and offer subscriptions.

Analysts Gartner lend credence to this strategy with a report outlining expected ad revenue from the mobile market to be an estimated $13.5 billion by 2013 compared with the $1 billion that was generated last year. Capturing a significant slice of that action would make Android a very attractive proposition to developers. Gartner are also predicting that Android will overtake iOS as the world's second most popular mobile OS, the leader being Symbian as championed by Nokia. Carolina Milanesi from Gartner commented "As Android develops, the main vendor who is going to feel the pressure is Nokia". Nokia themselves have all but ruled out adopting Android for their own devices, instad they will focus on new versions of Symbian, a move that hasmet with much criticism amongst the fan community.

Rating: Rating: 2

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