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Thursday 30 December 2010

CDMA iPhone 4 By Valentines Day?    [ 30-12-2010 16:09 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Business Week     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The CDMA iPhone saga continues ... in yet another one of those stories that says the iPhone will be making its CDMA soon BusinessWeek has run an article claiming that Apple will be holding a special event some time around Valentine's Day to make just such an announcement.

BusinessWeek, given the title of the publication, obviously considers this from a business perspective, noting that the iPhone would have a big impact upon American CDMA network, Verizon. However, they are not suggesting that AT&T, the exclusive American network for the iPhone, would suffer a 'death blow' because of it althouhg it would probably see some impact.

At any rate I wish Apple would just hurry up and release the damned thing so these stories can die a death. That and maybe they'll get the white iPhone 4 out the door at the same time to kill two birds with one stone. Here's hoping ...

Rating: Rating: 1

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New Android Trojan Appears In China    [ 30-12-2010 13:16 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Mobilized     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

A new piece of Android malware has raised its ugly head in China and it looks to be a rather nasty sort. The trojan, called Gemini, has the potential to 'compromise a significant amount of personal date on a user's phone and send it to remote servers' according to Lookout Mobile Security.

The company goes on to explain that 'Gemini is the first Android malware in the wild that displays botnet-like capabilities'. So what exactly does it do? Well once the malware is installed on your device it can receive commands from a remote server and allow whomever controls that server to control your phone. Scary stuff indeed.

When first installed the malware will request that the user grant is access to more permissions than the original application asked for. With such permissions it can start sending your information back to its controllers, information such as IMEI number, location information and also request that the user install further applications.

There's got to be some ray of hope here right? Well sort of. For the moment Gemini is restricted to third party app stores in China. However, given how these things get around that is by no means a guarantee that it will stay confined to the Middle Kingdom.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Apple Rejects Anti-Gay App ... For The Second Time    [ 30-12-2010 12:42 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: GLAAD     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

You may remember a while ago that Apple booted out an app from the App Store based upon the 'Manhattan Decleration'. For those unfamiliar with the Manhattan Decleration here is a synopsis of it from GLAAD:

The “Manhattan Declaration” application “reaffirms the moral teachings of our Christian faith on the sanctity of human life, marriage and sexual morality, and religious freedom and the rights of conscience,” quotes the Christian Post. The Declaration is a 4,700-word statement signed by many Christian religious leaders and citizens that claims to speak “in defense of the sanctity of life, traditional marriage, and religious liberty. It issues a clarion call to Christians to adhere firmly to their convictions in these three areas.” It calls relationships among LGBT people “immoral sexual partnerships,” and says marriage “is not a civil right” for them, among sending other anti-LGBT messages. The declaration was written in late September 2009, and the application was created this year.

Apple received thousands of complaints about the app and duly removed it. Well the app was re-worked and re-submitted, but Apple have refused to let it back in. Good for them! Apple come sin for a lot of criticism over a lot of things, not least of all the App Store, but here they are most definitely getting something right by rejecting this ignorant hate filled tosh.

Huzzah for common sense and decency!

Rating: Rating: 1

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