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Monday 03 January 2011

Froyo Coming To American Galaxy S 'As Soon As Possible'    [ 03-01-2011 23:39 ]

Author: Oleg Kononosov   Source: UnwiredView     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Whilst Samsung USA doesn't have an exact date as yet they are insisting that a Froyo update for the Gaalxy S will be available 'as soon as possible' for American customers.

Froyo has already hit the Galaxy S in other parts of the world, but our American cousins have been left waiting. The wait, according to Samsung USA is due to the battery of tests they are running on the update to make sure it's reliable.

Whatever 'as soon as possible' means in real time we don't know, but it's almost certainly not soon enough if you're an American Galaxy S owner.

Rating: Rating: 3

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New Year Bug Causes Headache For French Texters    [ 03-01-2011 23:33 ]

Author: Oleg Kononosov   Source: BBC     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Oh la la! It seems that French mobile phone users have been having more than the usual difficulties people experience when sending texts at New Year. A glitch meant that some users were unwittingly sending as many as 130 texts.

Around 930 million texts were sent in France during the New Year period with some Orange customers unknowingly sending many many more than they intended with the potential for their bills to also be much higher than they expected.

Orange put the blame on a 'network operator failure' and claimed that the bug affected at most just a few hundred people. Dozens of customers have already complained that their bills will be hundreds of euros higher than normal. One user in particular posted on Orange's forum that he had been billed for 300 picture messages that he didn't send.

Orange have assured customers that nobody would be charged for anything they didn't use.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Samsung Reached 10 Million Galaxy S Goal After All    [ 03-01-2011 23:21 ]

Author: Oleg Kononosov   Source: BGR     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Just before 2010 drew to a close we reported that Samsung was still gunning for their goal of selling 10 million Galaxy S handsets. They had sold 9.3 million with two weeks left of 2010, but the South Korean manufacturer is reporting that it did infact manage to squeeze that extra 700,000 sales into those two weeks.

That's a pretty impressive feat in and of itself, especially given that one of the weeks left to it would have been post Christmas when perhaps people weren't feeling quite so flush with their cash. At any rate it means that 2010 was was a very good year for Samsung. The Galaxy Tab proved to be another big success for the company, despite misgivings from some quarters that it was priced too high.

It may surprise some to learn that North America was the biggest market for the Galaxy S with some 4 million units sold. Europe came second with 2.5 million sales. Asia was close behind with 2 million sales.

With performances like this Samsung's objective of overtaking Nokia within three years is looking a lot more feasible.

Rating: Rating: 2

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RIM Continues To Tumble In U.S.    [ 03-01-2011 23:11 ]

Author: Oleg Kononosov   Source: Nielsen via IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

RIM hasn't exactly been blazing a trail this year, what with a fairly lacklustre selection of handsets compared with the competition, it's CEO sounding like a North Korean propaganda minister and its market share faring about as well as a paper house in a hurricane.

It's that last point, marketshare, which we'll look at here given that Nielsen, the U.S. ratings firm, has released some new figures for the American market. In a word it's bad for RIM. The data from Nielsen runs up until November of last year and it shows a very marked decline in RIM's fortunes.

The iPhone leads with 28.6% of the American market, up from 27.9% in June. Android continued its breakneck speed with a rise from 15% in June to 25.8%. Blackberry on the other hand fell from a very commanding 33.9% to just 26.1%, just behind Android. Android is definitely the platform with the most momentum here, but it's striking just how much RIM has fallen in just six months.

Now of course these figures are just for America so this is not the same as looking at the global figures (we all know how much importance RIM puts on Indonesia), but it's still telling that RIM has been unable to hold back either Apple or Android.

Unless RIM gets its act together pretty sharpish the downward curve in these graphs will only be at a steeper angle.

Rating: Rating: 1

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It's 3rd January And iPhone Alarms Still Don't Work    [ 03-01-2011 22:58 ]

Author: Oleg Kononosov   Source: Engadget, Twitter, et al     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The iPhone has had it's share of problems over the years, everything from security bugs to poorly designed antennas to cracked casings to bizzare app store policies. However, surely one of the most annoying, and quite frankly ludicrous, faults is the current 'alarm clock' fault.

For those who haven't heard about this, or who have a smartphone that can sound an alarm without too much effort, the problem started on 01/01/11 when one-off iPhone alarms failed to go off. Recurring alarms do still work, just not alarms set for once only activation.

There had been some talk of the bug sorting itself out once 3rd January rolled around i.e. today, however, as you might already have guessed, that hasn't quite worked out, at least not according to the various social messaging updates about the issue that have been flying around today. There's nothing much you can do about this at the moment other than to a) hope Apple fixes it soon b) use recurring alarms or c) get yourself a smartphone that actually works.

Rating: Rating: 5

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