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Wednesday 29 December 2010

Video: 3D Cube Surfing Fun Comes To Win Phone 7    [ 29-12-2010 18:17 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: WMPoweruser     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

If you are one of those people who regards any browsing experience that isn't presented via a 3D cube then you are in luck with SurfCube, a new browser available in the Windows Phone 7 Marketplace.

As the name suggests it presents you with a browser that uses a 3D cube format to present various information. The front facing 'side' is the browser page itself with the other 'sides' displaying information like history and favourites.

It's $1.99 so you won't be breaking the bank trying it out, but one wonders if this is meant to be a little retro or whether the devs behind it missed the 3D cube fad the first time around.

Check out the video to see it in action (and for the Benny Hill music):

Rating: Rating: 1

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Win Phone 7 Passes 5,000 Apps    [ 29-12-2010 17:47 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: WPCentral     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

With the success of Windows Phone 7 still being hotly debated after its recent launch analysts will be looking for any sign of the platform's success or failure. Sales figures were a bit slow in coming out, and when they did, despite being an impressive 1.2 million units, the figures released were units sold to networks, not customers.

Well adding to the debate is some information regarding the state of the Windows Phone Marketplace. The latest satistics, which are unofficial we should stress, indicate that Windows Phone 7 now has 5,000 apps available. That's pretty much the same level as, if perhaps a bit more than, webOS, which has been available for considerably longer.

Blackberry has around 15,000 apps available so that will presumably be the next target Microsoft is gunning for. After that it will be a long way to go before Microsoft can catch up with either Android or iOS, both of which boast hundreds of thousands of apps.

It is worth noting here though that 5,000 apps, whilst nowhere near the big hitters, is still a pretty impressive achievement in such a short period of time. It's also a testament to Microsoft's rather aggressive policy regarding apps, a policy that has seen them paying devs to port apps over to Windows Phone 7.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Force Update Check On Your Android Phone    [ 29-12-2010 17:13 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Lifehacker     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Checking for a new update is all part of the fun of owning an Android device, but it seems that the familiar method of requesting a check via your handset's settings menu doesn't always bring up an update that might actually be available for your handset.

Not to fear though because there is another method of checking for updates, via your handset's keypad. You enter the following code [*#*#2432546#*#] excluding the brackets, and it should checkin and see if there is an update waiting for you. Note that the numbers in the code spell out the word ''Checkin' on your phone's keypad.

A few caveats though; this method seems to work for some, but not others. I've tried it a few times myself on an HTC Desire and it didn't work at all. If the checkin procedure is successful it should bring up a message saying 'Checkin succeeded'. If successful you can then go into settings and check for an update as normal and if one is indeed there it should now show up.

The other point to note is that this procedure, whilst forcing any waiting updates to make themselves available, won't magically creat an update out of thin air. If there is no update for your phone then there is no update for you phone.

Rating: Rating: 1

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