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Thursday 23 December 2010

Cold Hands? Dial Numbers With Your Nose!    [ 23-12-2010 18:22 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: SlashGear     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

At last an iPhone app for those too cold to take off their gloves to dial! NoseDial, as the name suggests, lets you dial your contacts using your nose. Seriously, that's what this app does.

The app allows for titlting of the handset to flick through your contacts, again saving you from taking off your gloves. The buttons can be re-sized should you have a massive schnoz that you want to mash the screen with. Presumably the app works just fine with other body parts ...

One thing the app doesn't do though ... let you unlck the phone in the first place without taking off those gloves!

Rating: Rating: 1

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Video: Android Crew Lost In Space    [ 23-12-2010 17:46 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Google     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Sending Android phones into space seems to be the thing to do these days and it's happening more and more frequently. You may remember just the other week we posted about Google sending some of their new Nexus S handsets to the final frontier, well they've been getting some pretty decent results from their experiment.

For one thing the Nexus S managed to stay fully functional even at -50 celsius and the GPS chip managed to function accurately at a height of 60,000 feet. It obviously stopped working as the handset soared higher and higher, but regained functionality on the way back to Earth.

All in all the balloon carrying the handset reached an altitude of over 100,000 feet and travelled at speeds of up to 139mph. You can see the moment the balloon, which was filled with helium, popped as it expanded at maximum altitude.

Sadly the intrepid Android manning the spacecraft was knocked overboard into the vastness of the cosmos.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Samsung Sells 9.3 Million Galaxy S, On Track For 10 Million    [ 23-12-2010 17:14 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Chosunibo     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Samsung set themselves a big goal in stating that they hoped to be able to sell 10 million Galaxy S devices this year. It looks like they are going to make their target though as they have now managed to shift 9.3 million handsets, making it one of the most popular Android handsets ever, and one of the most popular handsets of 2010.

That figure is for global sales, but there is good news at home too as Samsung has managed to sell 2 million units. By comparison the iPhone (all generations) has notched up 1.8 million sales in South Korea.

Samsung expect the big 10 million barrier to be passed before the calendar year ends i.e. within the enxt week or so.

Rating: Rating: 1

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DigiTimes: Honeycomb Coming In March    [ 23-12-2010 17:10 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: DigiTimes     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

DigiTimes, the Taiwanese font of tech rumours, has slipped into an article the suggestion that Honeycomb, the next iteration of Android after Gingerbread, should be released this coming March.

The article was talking about tablet plans from various manufacturers and contained the following comment:

On the other hand, MSI is set to display its 10-inch Wintel-based tablet PC [at CES] as well as engineering samples of its ARM-based Google Android model. MSI is also prepared to sell an Nvidia Tegra 2-based model in April or May after Google releases Android 3.0 in March.

Of course this isn't an official announcement so as ever be wary of taking it at afce value, but the timing does feel right at least it has to be said.

Rating: Rating: 1

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