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Wednesday 22 December 2010

Android Trademark Lawsuit Thrown Out Of Court, Common Sense Prevails    [ 22-12-2010 17:27 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: TechCrunch     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The tech world is rife with lawsuits, one company suing another over patents or trademarks and occassionaly some consumers get in on the action too. That's all pretty much standard fare and most of the time it sorts itself out. One particularly irksome, and downright pathetic, part of the lawsuit culture is of course the troll. The individual or company that patent or trademark trolls in an effort to wring money from others.

One such lawsuit brought by Erich Specht against Google sought $94 million over a dispute involving the Android trademark. Specht asserted that his trademark of 'Android Data Corporation' was being infringed by the little green robot and wanted some dosh for his troubles. Thankfully a judge saw sense and threw the attempt at extorting the $94 million out of court describing Specht's trademark as being used as a 'sword' against Google. The judge saw fit to make his point by cancelling Specht's trademark for good measure.

Huzzah for common sense!

Rating: Rating: 1

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Microsoft Released Apps For Android, iOS & Win Pho ... Er No, Not Win Phone 7    [ 22-12-2010 17:26 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Winrumours     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Android and iOS users have some Christmas cheer to look forward to thanks to Microsoft. The software giannt has released a rather spiffy little music streaming app for Android and a couple of games for Apple's finest.

The music app for Android, Holidays 100, streams 100 Christmas themed music titles to your handset. It will be available until 2nd January. The iOS games are Snowboard Hero and Powerboat Challenge, both doing pretty much what their titles suggest.

Good stuff eh? Well yes, but not for Windows Phone 7 users ... you know that platform that was just released to much fanfare by ... uhm ... Microsoft. In what is quite frankly a baffling move Microsoft didn't bother releasing those titles for its own platform, a move that hasn't been well received by its customers, with some posting comments as to why they should stick with Win Phone 7 when Microsoft won't support it.

Microsoft have heard the angry voices and seen the villagers'' pitchforks though as they were quick to post a reply:

We hear your feedback loud and clear. Please stay tuned for more updates from us on WP7

To be fair to Microsoft here it was the Bing team that released those apps for the other platforms as part of an effort to promote Bing on those platforms. I guess they reasoned Bing doesn't need much more support on Microsoft's own platform. Still it would have been nice to include their own platform in the festive spirit.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Microsoft Sells 1.5 Million Win Phone 7 Handsets ... To Networks    [ 22-12-2010 17:19 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Microsoft     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Just how many Windows Phone 7 handsets have been sold? That's a question many have been asking for weeks now, but until now Microsoft have been tight lipped on numbers. However, Achim Berg, VP of business and marketing for the platform, has let the cat out of the bag, so to speak, with the revelation that 1.5 million Windows Phone 7 handsets have been sold in the first six weeks since launch.

Now it's important to note here that that figure is not the volume of handsets that have been bought by customers, it's the number that networks have bought to sell onto customers. However, it is good news for Microsoft since networks would not be buying anywhere near that number if they thought Windows Phone 7 was dead before it had even got off the ground.

It also dispels some of the low estimates that had been floating around, such as only 40,000 handsets having been sold. It's good news for Microsoft and no doubt that's why the figure has now been released. Of course the number of handsets actually sold to customers would be even more interesting, but it looks like we'll be waiting a while longer for that one.

Rating: Rating: 1

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