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Monday 27 December 2010

VLC For Android Coming Within Weeks    [ 27-12-2010 18:50 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

VLC, already a staple of the iOS app store, is about to hit the Android Market according to the project's lead developer, Jean-Baptiste Kempf.

He has said that Android users can expect the release within 'just a few weeks'. The release was made possible by improvements in the NDK (native development kit) that were released with Gingerbread.

The initial release of VLC for Android will be a beta release so the usual caveats will apply i.e. it's probably going to have bugs and it will almost certainly not work on all Android devices. It also won't support every codec.

Even so it's good to see another top name media player making its way to the Market and no doubt, given VLC's open source nature, it will improve with time.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Hackulous Adds 'Try Before You Buy' To Pirate Apple App Store    [ 27-12-2010 18:45 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: TorrentFreak     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Apple, despite their distortion field which says otherwise, can be rather slow to innovate at times. One such area is the App Store, a fact that anyone who has used it for more than five minutes can testify to.

One particularly annoying ommission is the lack of any 'try before you buy' option. Well Apple's foot dragging on the matter is no detterent to the ever enterprising people of the net, in this case the folks at Hackulous.

Hackulous is probably best known for Apptrakr, a web based index of cracked apps as well as Installous, which allows said appsto be installed on jailbroken iPhones. It's Installous that we are looking at here, having just been updated to version four.

The update brings with it the afore mentioned 'try before you buy' option that Apple doesn't seem to want to implement. The upgrade also brings with it what Hackulous are describing as 'reverse BitTorrent'.

This will allow users to submit and new apps that aren't listed on Apptrakr. The system even prompts users to do so, as Dissedent, ana dmin at Hackulous expalins:

"Essentially what will happen is when you’re using Installous you’ll get a little pop up that says ‘Hey, you have an application that Apptrakr doesn’t. We will add the application to a queue in the background (if you say yes) and it will start uploading tiny pieces of it, kind of like a torrent, up to the cloud".

Rating: Rating: 2

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Unannounced Sony Ericsson Device Photographed By Another Unannounced Sony Ericsson Device    [ 27-12-2010 18:01 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: PocketNow via SE-NSE     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Sony Ericsson have been filling up quite a few column inches of late what with the PlayStation phone leaking more and more information and of course Anzu, the purported successor to the X10. Well there have been more leaks today with Japanese mobile site 'Blog of Mobile!!' (yes that is two exclamation marks) obtaining some rather delish pictures of another unannounced handset.

The thing is though the pictures themslves were taken using a second unannounced handset. The current talk is of it being Anzu, but it might even be a third unannounced handset as we shall see in a moment. The handset taking the pictures has the model number LT15i and was operating at a resolution of 8 MP.

The pictures it took were posted to a Picasa account by four users with one being called 'Rachael.tester'. 'Rachael' was the codename for the X10 so if this is Anzu being used to take the pictures then it's not a great leap of the imagination to see the same tester being involved given that Anzu is supposed to be the direct successor to the X10.

I mentioned before that this might not be Anzu. That stems from the 8 MP resolution, Anzu has a 12 MP camera onboard so unless it was simply operating below maximum then this could be yet another unknown handset.

Anyhoo the handset being photographed is defintely new. It's an Android affair, Gingerbread to be exact, which will please Sony Ericsson fans worrying about the manufacturer always using earlier versions of the OS. The handset is apparently running on Vodafone Germany and has the model number MT15i.

Note the curve at the top of the handset, which is similar to the design of Vivaz, but thankfully without the awful ball and chain that is Symbian, Sony Ericsson having sensibly opted or Android instead. There is also a rather large camera module on the front of the device suggesting that video calling is once more going to be something manufacturers try to make us think is both useful and hip.

Rating: Rating: 1

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