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Monday 13 December 2010

Gawker Hacked: User Database Stolen    [ 13-12-2010 18:24 ]

Author: Irina Turina     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

As many of you will have already seen today Gawker and its various websites have been hacked and their user database compromised. The database contains details of more than a million members and includes information such as their email addresss and passwords.

Gawker says that the passwords are encrypted, but the group claiming responsibility for the attack, Gnosis, have already claimed that they have unencrypted some passwords. Gawker are advising their users to immediately change their Gawker password and the password used for any other sites that was the same as their Gawker password.

Any of our readers who use any of Gawker's websites are advised to change their password immediately.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Analyst Says Windows Phone 7 Launch Was ''Successful'    [ 13-12-2010 18:16 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Computer World     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Despite the fanfare of the Windows Phone 7 launch Microsoft are being decidedly more coy when it comes to revealing the sales figures for the platform so far. This has led many a pundit and industry watcher to conclude that things are not all sunshine and rainbows in Window Phone land ...

... however, an analysts at Neeham & Co, Charles Wolf, is bucking that trend to say that he thinks Windows Phone 7 has had a 'successful' launch. Annoyingly he makes no mention of sales figures, like Microsoft themselves, but does note that the Windows Phone 7 Facebook app has 135,000 active users.

Wolf is confident that Microsoft has enough financial muscle to persuade handset manufacturers to give their new platform a whirl, and of course Microsoft hasn't been a shrinking violet when it comes to throwing money around. They've already been paying developers to create apps for Windows Phone 7 and have sunk a cool $500 million into an advertising campaign.

This is where things get interesting in Wolf's analysis because he forecasts Windows Phone 7 emerging as a threat to Android because of, what he says are, similar licensing models. Now Google dishes out Android for free whereas Microsoft charges for Windows Phone so that can't be what Mr Wolf means. It's more likely he's refering to the fact that both operating systems are licensed to various manufacturers for use on different devices. This is in contrast to iOS, which only ever features on a small number of devices released by Apple.

All of this is a bit hard to take at the moment given how little we've heard of Windows Phone's 'success' from Microsoft or any of the large networks that have committed to it. As ever we shall simply have to wait and see ...

Rating: Rating: 1

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Moto Tablet Leaks Again    [ 13-12-2010 18:06 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

You will probably remember the Motorola tablet device Andy Rubin was flashing around just last week. Well today it's had it's first proper leak thanks to everyone's favourite photographer Mr Blurrycam.

It's a 10 inch beast running Honeycomb, the version of Android due for release after Gingerbread. The chap who sent the pictures into Engadget wasn't 100% sure of the name of the device, perhaps Stingray, perhaps Everest or even 'Trygon'.

Anyhoo the specs are what people want to hear about more than a name. The device will be powered by a 1 GHz Tegra 2 T20, feature a gyroscope, 512 MB of RAM, 32 GB of internal memory and a 1280x800 resolution multi-touch enabled screen. There should also be micro-USB support and the ability to use microSD cards up to 32 GB. The device also sports a HDMI out slot and a standard 3.5mm jack.


Rating: Rating: 1

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Latitude Comes To The iPhone For Real This Time    [ 13-12-2010 18:03 ]

Author: Serge Novikov     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

After first dipping its tow into the App Store in Japan an official Latitude app for the iPhon e has now been launched. Oddly enough though, for a brand new app, it displays a version number of Wierd numbering aside the app is ready for download (for free of course) so iPhone users can join in the Latitude escapades their Android wielding brethren have had access to for an age.

Rating: Rating: 1

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