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Tuesday 14 December 2010

Gmail Creator Rubbishes Chrome OS    [ 14-12-2010 19:04 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: BGR     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

In all the recent excitement over Chrome OS's unveliking it might have been easy to forget that many an industry watcher has ben asking just how Google's new OS will fit in alongside Android. Indeed some have been asking if there is even a point to it given that Android can be, and indeed is being, used for tablet devices.

Fresh criticism in that vein has come from no less than the man who created Gmail, former Google employee Paul Buchheit. He didn't mince his words in his appraisal of Chrome OS:

Prediction: Chrome OS will be killed next year (or “merged” with Android).

I was thinking, “is this too obvious to even state?”, but then I see people taking Chrome OS seriously, and Google is even shipping devices for some reason.

Chrome OS has no purpose that isn’t better served by Android (perhaps with a few mods to support a non-touch display).

Rating: Rating: 1

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Parent Tech Support    [ 14-12-2010 18:40 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Google via Gizmodo     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Stumbling across this little gem I foud myself asking why it took Google so long to do something like this ... it's bloody brilliant!

Anyone who is the 'household geek' will know the burden of being the one family and friends turn to whenever they have some technical dilemma. Sure it's nice to feel useful, but sometimes you wish there was someone, or something, else to fill in for you. Well now there is!

What Google have done is to create videos explaining how to carry out all manner of basic procedures, ranging from how to create secure passwords to changing the default homepage your browser uses to how to check the weather online. It's even presented in a very straightforward and easy 'tick box' manner. You just select the topic and watch the video.

Go check it out!

Rating: Rating: 1

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Video: LG Optimus 2X/Star In Action    [ 14-12-2010 18:34 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: PhanDroid     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

LG is set to release the Optimus 2X in their native South Korea and it looks to be a local branding of the already known LG Star that has leaked on the internet.

The two handsets are pretty much the same, the only differences between them being the product code, SU660 for the Optimus 2X and P990 for the Star, as well as a differently configured array of buttons underneath the screen.

The Optimus 2X should be seeing the light of day within the coming months, meaning it will be going head to head with arch-rival Samsung's Nexus S. Speaking of Samsung, check out the video below where the Optimus 2X puts in a very respectable performance compared with the Galaxy S.

You can also see how the handset fares when using HDMI out (pretty sweet by the looks of things):

Rating: Rating: 1

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Video: The Lazaridis Dive Into Mobile Interview ... Yes 'That' Interview    [ 14-12-2010 18:20 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: All Things D     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

You may or may not recall the odd interview that RIM co-CEO Mike Lazaridis gave at the D: Dive Into Mobile conference. We'll get to that in a moment, but first of all the video below shows Mr Lazaridis demoing the forthcoming Blackberry PlayBook, RIM's first tablet device.

It's a pretty decent demo it has to be said and you should get a good look at the device and its UI. The first 5 minutes or so of the video is pretty much dedicated to the PlayBook so it's well worth a look.

Ok now that that is out of the way let's get to the interview ...

If I had to describe this interview in a word it would be 'bizarre'. Lazaridis rambles a lot, doesn't really answer the questions posed to him; well he does, but not with anything approaching relevancy. Listen out for some quite frankly mystifying claims such as Indonesia have a population of a billion and claims that RIM invented the smartphone.

It's worth watching just to see how incoherent it can get!

Rating: Rating: 1

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