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Friday 10 December 2010

Microsoft Readying 2nd Win Phone 7 Update For February?    [ 10-12-2010 17:45 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: winrumours     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

It's already common knowledge that Microsoft have, what may be a major or minor, update for Windows Phone 7 planned for January, but the latest scuttlebut is that there is another update in the works ready for deployment soon afterwards in February.

WinRumours are reporting that "Microsoft’s second update will introduce enhanced developer controls for applications" and that "Microsoft is expected to open up several new APIs that will allow for greater multi-tasking, in-app downloads and better customization for end users."

The second update is already apparently shipping out to select beta users for testing. This would perhaps explain why the January update was initially expected to be 'massive', perhaps it has been split into two seperate updates?

At any rate one of the new features expected to be introduced in the February update is Silverlight support with Brian Keller, Win Phone 7 senior technical evangelist, saying of it "I think we are saving those, for say another event. If only there was a massive event in Barcelona on mobile phones and or other events in the future." The obvious reference there being MWC, which takes place in Spain in February.

Rating: Rating: 4

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Video: Apple Engineer Builds Ancient Computer Out Of LEGO    [ 10-12-2010 17:28 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: CNET     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Granted this isn't mobile phone related, but look it's technology related and it involves an ancient computer and LEGO. Do I need any more justification for posting it? No, didn't think so!

Andrew Carol, an engineer at Apple, took 1,500 LEGO pieces and recreated a working version of the Antikythera Mechanism, regarded by many as the first computer, built by the ancient Greeks more than 2,000 years ago. The device was used to calculate celestial movements such as solar explipes.

Take a look at the video below and see Mr Carol at work:

Rating: Rating: 1

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HTC Aiming To Triple Shipments In 2011    [ 10-12-2010 17:20 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: DigiTimes     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

HTC is a company on the up, much like it's dominant product line, Android handsets. The Taiwanese manufacturer is apparently aiming to increase its shipments in 2011 by an astonishing 200%.

So far this year HTC is on course to ship 20 million handsets, with Q3 2010 having seen 6.4 million shipped. That's a big increase over the 2.6 million shipped in Q3 2009 and 20 million for the whole of 2010 is a huge leap from the 11.7 million shipped in 2009.

DigiTimes are reporting though that HTC are aiming for a figure of 60 million for 2011. HTC is said to have outlined its plans during a meeting with parts suplliers in Taipei. No doubt Android will feature prominently in this lofty goal, but Windows Phone 7 could increasingly feature in HTC's portfolio, assuming that it manages to break out and gain a serious foothold in the market as a whole.

Rating: Rating: 1

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PlayStation Phone Benchmarked    [ 10-12-2010 17:11 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

A not terribly impressive result for the PlayStation phone in benchmark testing it has to be said. Of course this isn't the final product, but it will nonetheless be disappointing to those hoping for some blazing performance. Hopefully it ramps up before launch.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Windows Phone Comes To Android (Sort Of)    [ 10-12-2010 16:45 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Phandroid     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Android afcionados keen to give Windows Phone 7 a whirl can test the water (sort of) with a new theme for Android that mimics (sort of) the Metro UI that comes with Windows Phone 7.

Just to be clear here, this is just a theme, it offers none of the functionality associated with Metro UI. For example, there are no slick animations and the tiles won't display live information, they're just shortcuts for launching your apps. Customisation is also pretty limited as you are limited in terms of what colours you use and repositioning apps is a bit of a pain in that you have to rmeove them and then re-pin them to move them about.

Is it worth it? Well at $2.99 I'd have to say no unless you really really want your Android device to gain a Windows Phone 7 look. If you need more convincing why not watch this video with an inappropriately excited soundtrack?

Rating: Rating: 2

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