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Thursday 09 December 2010

Sony Ericsson Patent For Projector Phone With Projector Screen    [ 09-12-2010 14:46 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Unwired View     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

An interesting wee patent from Sony Ericsson has turne dup depicting a device with an inbuilt projection screen. Yes I did type 'projection screen' and not 'projector', although it has one of those too.

The idea of cramming a projector into a phone is nothing new of course, there have been designs and patents before, but it's never been a technology that's gotten off the ground and found mass appeal. Probably because of the limited use it would find outside business types.

Anyway, Sony Ericsson's idea here, as you can see in the patent illustration, is to include an extendible projector screen in the device. That pretty much instantly solves the dilemma of having to find a suitable projection surface and it also gives you a hefty chunk more of display space for things like watching films, etc.

Of course this is still very much confined to the drawing board for the moment, but interesting nonetheless.

Rating: Rating: 2

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LG: Optimus Might Get Gingerbread After All    [ 09-12-2010 13:56 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: LG     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

It was just yesterday that LG were saying the Optimus line would not be receiving an upgrade to Gingerbread and that was that. The seemingly underpowered processor of the Optimus line just couldn't handle Gingerbread's awesomeness according to LG.

Today is a new day and LG has a different story.

LG released information prematurely regarding the minimum processor upgrade requirements for the LG Optimus. Google recently announced the Gingerbread platform and has not yet published the Gingerbread Compatibility Definition Document (CDD) or the public branch open source code. Once the CDD and the source code is public, LG will evaluate the upgradability of the Optimus Series. We apologize for any confusion or misunderstanding. We will alert you as soon as more information on this topic is available.

This isn't a guarantee that Gingerbread will find its way to Optimus devices, but is definitely better than a flat out no.

Rating: Rating: 4

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Android: 300k Activations Per Day    [ 09-12-2010 11:56 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Twitter     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Android's growth has been on the up for a while now, indeed that's a pretty big understatement given just how fast it's moving. Andy Rubin, Android's head chef, has provided the world with another impressive figure concerning the little green robot that could ... 300,000 activations a day.

To put that into perspective it was only four months ago in August that Google CEO Eric Schmidt was proudly boasting of Android's 200,000 daily activations. So in a period of just four months Android has seen a 50% rise in daily activations, or to put it another way that's approximately 9 million activations a month.

With Froyo starting to dominate the Android version charts and decrease fragmentation, or perhaps in spite of fragmentation, Android shows absolutely no sign of slowing down.

Rating: Rating: 5

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Windows Phone: Push Apps - 15 Max    [ 09-12-2010 11:44 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

It seems that installing more than 15 push notification apps on a Windows Phone 7 device isn't such a good idea ... basically because they stop working if you do.

It seems that the OS can handle 15 of the apps just find and dandy, but as soon as app 16 is installed the whole show goes belly up and the apps stop receiving updates. The initial reaction of many may be to assume this must be a bug or a flaw and to then suitably chastise Microsoft for it. However, it is no flaw.

Microsoft's system attempts to maintain a single connection to the server that handles the various requests by different applications. The underlying reasoning behind this approach is esentially an attempt at improving battery life. It's the same approach Apple adopted for iOS.

Android on the other hand has developers using their own notification system, collating all the disparate notifications from different apps in the single notification bar at the top of the screen. This means that Android can pretty much handle as many push notification apps as your phone has memory for. Incidentally, it's worth noting that this approach seems to work out just fine when it comes to battery life.

At any rate Microsoft made two important points regarding the issue: pre-installed Microsoft apps don't count towards the 15 total, and the limit may be upgraded somewhere down the line.

It's also worth pointing out that 15 push notification apps is quite a lot so realistically few people are likely going to notice this problem.

Rating: Rating: 1

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