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Wednesday 08 December 2010

No Gingerbread For LG Optimus Line    [ 08-12-2010 15:49 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Unwired View     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The LG Optimus One has been doing some very brisk business, having sold over a million units to date and running Froyo, making it a very attractive option for comparitively little money.

However, all is not well in Optimus One land ...LG USA have confirmed via Facebook that the handset will not be getting the upgrade to Gingerbead (Android 2.3). Indeed the Optimus line of handsets as a whole won't be getting any Gingerbread love. The stated reason was due to slower processors, but as you can see from the picture someone pointed out that a 1 GHz processor is not required for Gingerbread.

Hopefully LG changes their mind ...

Rating: Rating: 1

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PlayStation Phone To Launch In March?    [ 08-12-2010 15:42 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: ITProPortal     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The PlayStation phone has been a gold mine for the internet rumour mill for longer than just about any other device and it's still churning out nuggets! The latest rumour is that the device will be launched this coming March after a demo at MWC in Barcelona.

ITProPortal claims that a source at Sony Ericsson confirmed the launch window as well as the MWC demo and also mentioned that it would be on show at CeBIT.

Of course all of this come sont op of the persistent rumour that the handset will be announced tomorrow, 9th December. We'll just have to wait and see ...

Rating: Rating: 1

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Spotify U.S. Launch Delayed ... Again    [ 08-12-2010 15:33 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: CNET     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Prepare to contain your amazement ... Spotify ... have delayed their U.S. yet again. The popular music service, already widely available in Europe was due to launch Stateside last year, but in what seems to be a never ending series of delays that was put back until this year and now it looks like 2011 will be the earliest American can hope to get their paws on it.

Apparently Spotify haven't even signed any deals with the American record labels yet, a sort of tiny snag when you are trying to launch a music streaming service.

Given the already unfortunate delays and mounting speculation that Apple will launch some form of cloud based iTunes service Spotify may very well have missedits window of opportunity where America is concerned.

The planned American version will be based upon the same subscription model that operate sin Europe, but whereas UK users pay £10 a month American subscribers will be ponying up $10, a cheaper price at toay's exchange rates. That is if it ever launches.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Mike Lazaridis Rambles Incoherently At Dive Into mobile    [ 08-12-2010 15:25 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: All Things D     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The Dive Into Mobile conference has already given us some useful insights into upcoming products and devices from industry leaders and analysts and one might have expect more of the same when Blackberry's co-CEO Mike Lazaridis took to the stage. Quite the contrary ...

During the interview with Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher Mr Lazaridis babbled, and I use the word deliberately, in what can only be described as an incoherent manner, often contradicting himself and generally sounding like he was blowing balloon juice.

Asked why RIM had decided on a 7 inch tablet rather than a larger one Lazaridis responded by saying that "... it’s just the perfect size'.  A few moments later he then said that RIM in fact plans to release tablets in different sizes.

That was a mild start to what would become an odd interview with bizzarre answers from RIM's head honcho.

From All Things D

Walt Mossberg: There’s a growing consensus that BlackBerry is “looking old compared to some of the other platforms.” So: If PlayBook is future of the BlackBerry, when does this OS get there?

Mike: Answers that BlackBerry OS is about multicore products. [?]

Kara Swisher is also confused.

That is followed by:

Mike tries another tack, talking about BlackBerry in worldwide markets. In 2G markets, it’s becoming dominant. Also successful in 3G markets.

PlayBook OS allows us “jump into the next decade of mobile computing.”

Walt is confused as well.

Seemingly in definace of the statistics we see coming in from analysts Lazaridis then made the following claim:

Mike: “We were focusing on a global market,” and as a result, BlackBerry is becoming No. 1 around the world. Strategy for the future, etc.

The discussion continued to ramble:

Walt: So did you decided to chain yourself to lowest common denominator technology?

Mike: Technical discussion of multicores. Says competitors learning how big a market there is. We built our own technology, etc. Rattles off tech certifications.

Walt: “I don’t know what those mean.”

To round things off a question from the audience illicited yet another strange utterance from Lazaridis:

Q: I own a Torch. The processor is slow, and screen is low-res. I don’t understand connection between this and the PlayBook. “I don’t really understand it….how can you deliver this phone without the best technology available today?”
“Why are you demoting my phone?”

Mike: BlackBerry Torch is a launch vehicle for BlackBerry 6. But you can make that argument in reverse… [sorry, can't follow what he's saying]. The next generation of BlackBerry will be great. “I don’t see any dichotomy here. I just see a natural evolution here.”

Q: I really don’t think my Torch is as fast and good as you say it is.

Mike: Seems to be arguing that phones limited by battery issue

Rating: Rating: 1

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