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Monday 06 December 2010

Gingerbread Coming To Nexus One, Just Not Yet    [ 06-12-2010 17:10 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: BGR     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Reports started surfacing earlier today that Nexus One owners were starting to see OTA updates for Gingerbread appear on their handsets. Of course it would be no great surprise to find that the Nexus One, being the first Google phone, would be the first handset to get the update (apart from the freshly announced Galaxy S of course).

The reports were somewhat premature though because Reto Meier, developer advocate at Google, was quick to respond by saying that the Gingerbread update would indeed come, but that it was 'a few weeks' away yet. Not the news Nexus One owners would be hoping for granted, but at least it is coming!

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White iPhone 4 ... Yet Another Rumour That It Might Be Coming Soon    [ 06-12-2010 16:03 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: 9to5mac     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

There has been yet another development in the seemingly never ending saga of what could very well be the single most boring mobile phone story ever ... the will they/won't they 'drama' of the white iPhone 4.

Ever since the iPhone 4 was first launched people have been wondering where the white version is and various rumours have come and gone saying that it was either about to be released or that Apple had scrapped the idea because apparently making a product coloured white is beyond the capabilities of one of the world's leading consumer electronics companies here in the early 21st century.

So onto the latest 'development' in the story ... apparently American network AT&T might be releasing the white version in April or May next year. Certainly that appears to be the case according to the picture that 9to5mac managed to get their hands on.

The most obvious, and most relevant, question is will anyone still care by then?

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Palm Touchscreen Keyboard Hints At New Devices    [ 06-12-2010 15:35 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: webOS Internals     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Palm is probably not the first manufacturer that comes to mind when you think of touchscreen keyboards, famously having plumped for a hardware solution pretty much consistently. Even more so that Blackberry one might argue.

Well that looks to be changing with the discovery of a full on touchscreen keyboard tucked away in the latest version of webOS, 2.0. It's not fully functioning and will require a bit of jiggery pokery and patience with its bugs, but it does hint that touchscreen devices sans keyboard are on their way from HP/Palm in the not too distant future.

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Sony Ericsson X10 Getting Froyo After All?    [ 06-12-2010 14:56 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: GSM Arena     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Arguably the single biggest limiting factor for Sony Ericsson's flagship X10 has been its use of the older 1.6 version of Android. Even with an update to Eclair the device is still out of date given that Froyo is the single largest version of Android in use and Gingerbread is just around the corner.

There may be a little hope on the horizon though because a rumour has surfaced that the X10 might, and I do stress the word 'might here, be getting an update to Froyo next year. The rumour comes from one of Sony Ericsson's service agents in Turkey who says that the update will roll out sometime in Q2 of next year.

Apart from the possibility that the rumour simply isn't true, it would still be an older version of Android the X10 was being updated to. Not that many an X10 owner wouldn't welcome it of course, it's just a shame to always be playing catch-up.

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