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Friday 27 August 2010

Apple Parts Company With Design Partner    [ 27-08-2010 18:53 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Apple is never more than s tone's throw away from some drama, minor or major, and today sees the former. They have announced that they are severing ties with SurfaceInk, an engineering design company Apple has worked alongside for a decade. The reason for this departure is pretty basic, Apple sees SurfaceInk as a competitor, or at the very least as aiding their competitors in the nascent tablet computing market. SurfaceInk has just developed its own prototype for a tablet device and is working with companies such as HP, which is rumoured (read: all but certain) to be releasing its own webOS powered tablet device either late this year or early next year. All of this won't be sitting well with El Jobso of course.

The New York Times spoke with Eric Bauswell, SurfaceInk's CEO, about the parting of ways:

Mr. Bauswell declined to give details of its relationship with Apple, citing client confidentiality agreements. But he said that his company was let go because of “Apple’s growing awareness of our turnkey capabilities,” referring to SurfaceInk’s business of designing products for its clients. “I think they view our capabilities as an opportunity for competitors," he said.

SurfaceInk had demoed a prototype tablet device at a trade show in an effort to show of fits capabilities and attract clients. However, it was that increasing reputation that apparently turned Apple off and caused them to see their one time partner as a threat. For Apple the threat is pretty clear, the iPad currently dominates the tablet market, but it will soon see a plethora of competition as rivals start releasing their own tablet devices and Apple will be looking to protect as much of its slice as it can.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Supernova X1 3D Android Tablet Prototype    [ 27-08-2010 18:38 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Crunchgear     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

3D hasn't exactly been setting the world on fire so far, but nevertheless electronics firms and media companies have perservered in their push of the technology. Enter Rockchip to the arena with their promise of delivering a 3D enabled tablet device that requires no glasses to use. The nice thing about Rockchip's design is that it is dual purpose, you can switch between 3D and 2D modes so you aren't saddled with something trying to push a particular feature that you might not use, rather you get a tablet device that has 3D tech for when you feel it will be worth using.

The bad news is that the tablet is still in the prototype stage so chances are that it won't be making it onto a store shelf any time soon. However, Rockchip do have plans to build an Android powered tablet using this technology, the idea probably being that a bigger, more well known brand, will re-badge the tablet and sell it. One question that remains unanswered, and it's a biggie, is whether such a tablet will be affordable. 3D viewing without glasses isn't new and looking at current implementations in television sets the technology doesn't come cheaply.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Video: N900 Android Port Getting Closer to Completion    [ 27-08-2010 18:32 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: NITDroid via Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The N900 has its share of fans and it has an especially strong following from the sort who like to tinker with things, and that is just what they have been doing. The NITDroid Project has been working over the past year or so to bring Android to the N900 in place of its standard Maemo operating system. They've been making steady progress, but so far you haven't been able to make a call using Android on the N900, which, you will no doubt agree, is a bit of a bummer for anyone who does actually want to use it as a communications device. Well it looks like this last hold-out will be conquered soon, as you can see in the video below, with the boys at NITDroid having made some progress on that front. It's not working 100% perfect yet, but progress is progress and it hopefully shouldn't be too long before it can make and receive calls with the best of them. Data usage is also being worked on and again they are moving forward with it, as you will see in the video. It's just a shame Nokia themselves aren't doing this, their customers clearly want Android.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Nokia N8 Announcement: Interrupted By Porn?    [ 27-08-2010 18:18 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Gizmodo     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Normally when we post up rumours it's about a new handset or speculation as to what a particular might be about to do. Well today we have a rumour with a difference, centering around whether a live feed from Nokia showing off their N8 was interurpted by a porn film. Yes you read that right. The matter all stems from a series of live feeds Nokia was transmitting when introducing the N8 to the Chinese market. Apparently one of these feeds, on Sina.com, was hacked and replaced with a porn film. Or was it? You see the whole drama is supposedly just an internet rumour according to Nokia who say that it was started by a lone blogger (perhaps standing on a grassy knowle?). The thing is though that Nokia apparently cut the stream off early and issued an apology with the usual corporate blather saying they'll investigate, etc. Or was all of that part of the rumour too? At any rate the matter has done something useful for Nokia, it's created a bit of attention for the N8, something the handset itself seems incapable of.

Rating: Rating: 1

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