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Thursday 26 August 2010

HTC Working on Android Superphone ... Maybe ...    [ 26-08-2010 16:48 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Softpedia     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Nothing quite stokes gadget geeks like a good old fashioned rumour so here we go ... HTC are perhaps maybe possibly working on a new Android superphone ... or it might be a tablet. The confusion and doubt comes about through a lack of any substantial information except for a name, a model number and the bare bones of a specifications list.

The product in question is being called the HTC Merge and it will allegedly be running with a processor with a clock speed in excess of 1 GHz and pack in a 10 MP camera. The handset was spotted in a Global Certification Forum filing as well as on American network Verizon's database. The name 'Merge' maybe a clue as to the identity of the handset with some wondering whether it hints at a tablet rather than a phone or possibly some sort of hybrid a le the Dell Sreak.

What is known is that it has the model number ADR6325 and that it will be running Android. The fact that it is on Verizon's database would also suggest that it will support CDMA and be launched on that network at some point. It does also support GSM frequencies though so perhaps it will be a global handset or maybe even just a re-working of an existing handset like the Desire HD. Rumours are fun aren't they?!

Rating: Rating: 4

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Apples Declines To Join O2's Eco-Ranking    [ 26-08-2010 16:28 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Pocket-lint     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

O2 have launched the first eco mobile phone rating system in the UK. The system ranks different mobiles according to how environmentally friendly they are, but not everyone is playing nice. Well actually almost everyone is, it's just Apple, all on their ownsome, who are refusing to take part. Gary Cook, a spokesman for Greenpeace, said "Transparency is always an issue for consumer electronics companies, who claim that providing too much information gives away competitive advanatge". That certainly sounds like Apple.

Sony Ericsson placed very well in the rankings, not only taking the top spot with its Elm handset, but having four of its handsets in the top ten. The scoring system used to grade the handsets is based upon data from the manufacturers themselves and also an assessment of the environmental impact a handset has. For their part Apple have been keen to show off their green credentials during product launches, but apparently that doesn't extend to third party rankings. Mr Cook summed it up "While Apple has recently made important strides in eliminating toxic chemicals from its products and the reporting of their environmental footprint, it still lags behind others in transparency".

Somehow we don't think that's going to change any time soon.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Windows Phone 7 Leaks: The Picture, the Name & the Release Date    [ 26-08-2010 14:05 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Engadget, BGR, IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

It's been a bit of a day for Windows Phone 7 device leaks with another picture cropping up, news of a launch date, and a product name leaking out.

Let's start with the picture because that's probably the most interesting, but for reasons other than you might think. The picture below shows the LG E900, the handset you've probably already seen doing the round sin a YouTube video. What's so interesting is the fact that this picture wasn't released on some Chinese or Vietnamese forum, instead it was posted up on Microsoft's official Dutch Twitter account.

As for the product name leak Boy Genius Report are citing a source within LG who is telling them that the forthcoming C900handset for Windows Phone 7 will be named 'Pacific' when it finally launches.

Last, but not least, is a leak in a Bluetooth SIG filing for the LG C900. In a somewhat surprising move the filing contained a tentative release date for the handset, which is thought to be heading to AT&T in the States. The date in question is the 28th September. This is a bit of a strange date as it happens because all the signs we've seen so far point to Windows Phone 7 launching in early October at the earliest and perhaps even sliding into November. Indeed a Microsoft executive recently commented that Windows Phone 7 was probably going to launch Stateside in November. A possible explanation for this incongruity exists within the Bluetooth filing where several variants are listed and the fact that this handset (or its variants) will be available in multiple regions. Perhaps the 28th September release date will mean that Windows Phone 7 launches earlier in some markets?

Rating: Rating: 4

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Android Tools 'Horrendous' Says Facebook App Creator    [ 26-08-2010 13:06 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

John Hewitt may not be a name that is immediately recognisable, but anyone who has ever used the Facebook app on the iPhone has this man to thank. He was the original dev who worked on the app and famously ended his involvement with it citing his distaste for Apple's app store policies. For anyone wondering why the Android version of the Facebook app is inferior to the IPhone version this is probably the chap to ask and he isn't mincing his words.

In a recent tweet Hewitt declared "Android tools are horrendous, OS is hideous, but the absence of big brother telling me what to do gives it a slight edge." That's pretty stinging criticism, but to be fair to Hewitt it isn't an opinion confined to him alone. Other developers have made similar remarks and put in context it does help explain why Android has lagged behind the iPhone in terms of the number of apps available as well as the quality. Hewitt summed the situation up for himself by saying "The more I work with Android the more it reminds me of Windows ... as in, it's really flexible, agnostic, and developer-friendly, but also really sloppily designed."

This may be one man commenting, but Google would do well to pay heed to his critique. Apps are increasingly seen as a sign of how healthy a platform is and they can be a huge draw for customers. Improving the experience for your dev community should be a top priority for any company looking to ensure their platform gets to the top.

Rating: Rating: 5

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