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Wednesday 25 August 2010

Huawei To Launch Own-Brand Android Handset    [ 25-08-2010 17:38 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Huawei may not be a name that immediately springs to mind when thinking of handset manufacturers, but that's an image the company is trying to change. Currently Huawei produces various hardware for networks around the world who then rebrand it with their own colours, but now the company is planning on releasing an own-branded Android handset at IFA.

The handset, known as the U8150, will be running Froyo out of the box, but it's not going to be a high-end effort. In terms of the specifications you will get a 528 MHz processor, a 2.8" capacitive touchscreen and a 3.2 MP camera. Nothing particularly exciting there although it will suport 802.11n to be fair. The specs might not be earth shattering, but they are reflected in the price of the handset, which in the UK will be around the £100 mark. It's obviously going to be aimed at the budget crowd, which is fair enough, after all that's one of Android's strong points, the fact that it can be tailored to different audiences.

In terms of a release date we're probably looking at September.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Windows Phone 7 HTC T8788 Caught on Camera    [ 25-08-2010 16:25 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Yet another Windows Phone 7 device has sneaked passed the guards and paraded itself for all to see. This time it's the HTC T8788, a handset AT&T will be launching in America come the official launch of the Windows Phone 7 platform. The name may not be particularly appealling right now, but presumably there will be something dreamt up to replace those numbers. The handset is a landscape slider, but a landscape slider with a difference. You probably immediately thought of a QWERTY slide out keyboard when you read the phrase 'landscape slider' just then, but in fact it's a speaker that slides out. One imagines that this is therefore supposed to be a media centric device, an idea reinforced by the inclusion of a kickstand.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Apple Media Event Planned for 7th September    [ 25-08-2010 16:15 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Bloomberg     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Apple are gearing up for a media event on 7th Septembe rin San Francisco. The event will almost certainly revolve around the launch of a new TV show rental service the company is launching according to Bloomberg. The event should also see the launch of a new iPod Touch with higher resolution screen and a new version of Apple TV.

The TV rental service would let Apple customers rent a TV programme for $0.99 and programming should be available from Fox and ABC as well as Disney, of which Steve Jobs is a board member and the single largest shareholder in. The other two big American networks, NBC and CBS, are also said to be in talks with Apple. It's too early to comment on whether the service would be rolled out to other countries with their own broadcast networks, but if it's successful in the States Apple would likely want to repeat that success elsewhere.

Bloomberg are also prophecising new hardware for Apple TV, the big talking point of which will be the fact that it runs iOS. Speaking of iOS they are also saying that there will be a new iPod Touch on show, which will not only feature an improved screen using the same technology as seen in the iPhone 4, but also a front facing camera.

Of course all of this is officially speculation at the moment as Apple doesn't confirm anything ahead of schedule so we'll just have to wait and see as to how correct Bloomberg's scrying has been.

Rating: Rating: 2

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RIM vs India: Decision By 30th August    [ 25-08-2010 16:03 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Reuters     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

It's getting close to crunch time in the ongoing dispute between RIM and the Indian government. The manufacturer of the popular Blackberry series of handsets has been given until 31st August to comply with demands from the Indian government to allow their security agencies access to Blackberry Messenger and the ability to read emails sent using Blackberries. Reuters are reporting that a source close to the negotiations between the two is saying that the Indian government will make its final decision on 30th August, one day before the deadline.

The source said that India's security agencies will be holding talks with RIM to discuss technical issues tomorrow and Friday and that they "... are hopeful of arriving at a positive solution." The dispute is part of a series that RIM has been involved in with governments around the world who want to be able to tap in on messages sent using the platform as they fear militants will use it to plan attacks. If RIM fail to satisfy the Indian government they will be forced to turn off their email service in India, affecting around a million users. For comparison there are approximately 41 million Blackberry users worldwide. More than that though, it would be a serious blow to RIM's activities in the world's fastest growing telecoms market.

Rating: Rating: 1

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