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Tuesday 24 August 2010

Galaxy Tab Caught on Camera: Running Froyo    [ 24-08-2010 17:13 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: BGR     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The Galaxy Tab, Samsung's first Android powered tablet, has been caught on camra by the chaps on ifanr, a Chinese tech site. The images are pretty clear so presumably they aren't friends with Mr Blurrycam. The big news with this set of shots is that the Galaxy Tab looks to be running Froyo (Android 2.2) so it's a reasonably safe assumption to make that this is what it will ship with at launch.

In addition to the pictures themselves the site is listing various specifications:

  • 1024x600 AMOLED screen
  • PowerVR SGX 540 graphics processor
  • 3.2 MP rear camera
  • VGA front camera
  • 3G support
  • GPS
  • WiFi b/g/n

The screen, whilst listed as an AMOLED effort, could very well be a Super AMOLED affair, but we'll have to wait and see on that one. No bands were listed for 3G although presumably it will support the 2100 MHz band used in most countries around the world. There's something else worth commenting upon here and you can see this in the pictures; the connector cable. It appears to be a 30-pin job, not all that disimilar to those Apple employs.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Google Earth Adds 'The Big Soup' To Its Maps    [ 24-08-2010 17:11 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Google have released an update for their perennialy popular Google Earth on the company's own Android platform. The latest iteration of the app, version 1.1, brings with it some interesting new functionality. On the practical side of things there is now Flash support, which means that YouTube videos can and will play smack dab in the app itself rather than having to switch to the browser or YouTube app. Whilst that's certainly a welcome update the real news is the new mapping feature Google Earth is getting ... beneath the waves!

Yes that's right you will indeed be able to delves beneath the beautiful brine and check out what Plant Earth keeps hidden from us surface dwellers. Granted that this will likely be more of a novelty for most people rather than a serious tool, but then the whole of Google Earth can probably be described as such. You can grab the update for yourself if you're running at least Android 2.1, just mosey on over the the Market and download it.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Windows Phone 7 App Store Nearing Crunch Time    [ 24-08-2010 16:58 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Microsoft have been putting a lot of work into their app store for the forthcoming launch of Windows 7, no doubt realising what an important part it will play in determining the success or failure of the platform as a whole. The developer tools Microsoft have made available so far have been downloaded more than 300,000 times according to the company. The dev tools are still be worked on though with the final release build due on 16th September. Microsoft are saying, however, that apps built using the beta tools shouldn't need too much tweaking.

In terms of actually submiting apps to the store early Octobe is being bandied around as the date, which of course ties in nicely with the speculation of a late October launch for the platform as a whole. The apps for Windows Phone 7 will be relying very much on Silverlight and XNA and Microsoft is stressing that this should allow devs to port apps over without too much hassle. Of course the fact that Microsoft are paying devs to create apps for their new platform probably removes some of the hassle too!

Rating: Rating: 2

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Google Goggles Coming to the iPhone    [ 24-08-2010 16:57 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Google Googles looks to be making the leap to the iPhone at long last. The app has been a firm favourite on Android since it was launched, probably due to the fact that it's pretty damned useful. For those unfamiliar with the app it is essentially a visual search tool. You take a picture of something and the app searches the web for relevant information on it e.g. a picture of a landmark might bring up relevant historical information. Google Goggles can also identify consumer products through barcode scanning and again will present relevant information on said product.

The move to Apple's iOS was confirmed by David Petrou, an engineer at the Big G, who said that it would launch sometime before Christmas, which isn't all that far away now. Work is currently ongoing on the iPhone version so perhaps there are still some bugs to iron out. No doubt Google Goggles will be as big a hit with iPhone users as it has been with Android users. Google's apps prove very popular on both platforms.

Rating: Rating: 1

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