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Monday 16 August 2010

Pleco - Real Time Optical Recognition Translation    [ 16-08-2010 19:17 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Translation tools for mobiles aren't anything new and indeed neither are image recognition tools e.g. Google Goggles. However, what is pretty novel is an app that can take a live image from your screen and work with it then and there to offer real time translation. That's exactly what Pleco, a Chinese Dictionary app, does. The app has been around for a while now and this new feature is scheduled for a September release window so you can't play with it just yet, but it won't be long until you can. The app will run on iOS 4 and you'll need either an iPhone 4 or a 3GS. Make sure you check it out in the video below, it really is pretty impressive. The translation comes very quickly as the live image changes to capture new words.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Apple Hire NFC Expert - Mobile Wallet In Next iPhone?    [ 16-08-2010 18:44 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Near Field Communications World     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Before the iPhone 4 was announced earlier this year there was a fair bit of chatter on the interwebs about the possibility of it featuring Near Field Communications (NFC) technology. Of course we know that didn't pan out, but the idea hasn't gone away. Apple have just hired an expert in NFC as a product manager and thus we have the rumour surfacing again. The chap in question, Benjamin Vigier, has been working with NFC since 2004 and was previously working on a mobile wallet project. It's that last little snippet hat has some wondering whether Apple might be trying to release a mobile wallet feature in the next iPhone.

Apple have been applying for various patents related to NFC technology over the past few months including patents related to mobile payments. It's been a notoriously long game to bring mobile payments to the mobile market outside of Japan with several companies having trialed various systems over the years. Having said that if there is one consumer technology company that could capture the popular imagination and propel the idea forwards it probably is Apple.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Dell Launches App Store With A Shaky Start    [ 16-08-2010 18:13 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Dell has become the latest firm to dip its toe into the app store business with a store that will offer content for multiple platforms including Android and Blackberry OS.  Interestingly enough Dell is advertising the store as offering "... 50,000 ways to improve your phone." In other words it doesn't have 50,000 apps, rather it will be a mixture of different content. How fast Dell can build up their app catalogue in the face of competition from rival stores remains to be seen. There's a rather annoying problem for Dell Streak owners using AT&T in the U.S., as AT&T don't allow their Android handsets access to apps except those in the Android Market. So much for AT&T understanding the whole freedom idea behind Android. The problems don't stop there because the apps available apparently have to be downloaded to a PC first and then transfered to the relevant handset. A bit awkward and hardly cutting edge. At least you can use PayPal to pay for your purchases. At any rate it's a somewhat risky move on Dell's part given the plethora of app stores currently available and they are going to have to put a bit of effort into this if they don't want it to become an 'also ran'.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Samsung to Release iPod Touch Rival    [ 16-08-2010 17:56 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Samsung Hub     Translation by:    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

It's well known that Samsung are planning on releasing an Android tablet, but the South Korean firm looks to be wanting to encroach upon Apple's territory a little further by releasing an Android powered rival to the iPod Touch. The device has been making an appearance in some pictures released onto the web and will apparently be known as the YP-MB2. If the name is all that catchy it should at least do better in the looks department, resembling a Samsung Galaxy S as it does. To be blunt the device is pretty much a Samsung Galaxy S through and through, minus the phone features of course. Oh and the camera is bumped dwon to a 3 MP effort, but still fine for general picture taking. The rest of the specifications should remain the same e.g. 1 GHz Snapdragon, 4 inch SAMOLED screen, etc.

Rating: Rating: 1

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