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Tuesday 17 August 2010

Facebook Launching Geo-Loc Services?    [ 17-08-2010 18:37 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: BGR     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Facebook have been sending out press invitations for an eevnt they are holding tomorrow, in which they say they will "provide an update on the services features and products" that they offer. What exactly does that mean? The current word on the street is the introduction of a new service, but exactly what that is is itself open to speculation. AllThingsD are reporting that according to a "multitude of sources inside Fcaebook" the firm will be introducing a geo-location service that allows you to 'check-in' at various locations e.g. it's launching its own version of foursquare.  Also according to AllThingsD Facebook will not be abandoning third party services, instead it will integrate them and allow developers suing Facebook's platform access to geo-location services for their apps.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Nokia Re-Badging Comes With Music ... DRM Staying Put    [ 17-08-2010 18:05 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Nokia are giving the rather tired looking, and underperforming, Comes With Music service a rebrand. The new service will henceforth be known as 'Ovi Music Unlimited'. The trouble is though that that is just about all Nokia have done ... change the name. One of the biggest criticisms of Comes With Music was the harsh DRM lockdown in use, which meant that you had to download music to a registered PC and a single registered handset where there would be license checking in order for the music to actually play. None of that is changing with the 'new' service so you will still be limited in how you listen to the music. It's not really in keeping with the spirit of the term 'unlimited' in the title now is it?

On the plus side Nokia are saying that they will make it easier to search for and download the music. That was another criticism many had of the old Comes With service, the UI being not very nice to work with on mobile devices. Improving the UI will at least be a step in the right direction, but the DRM is probably still going to be a major turn-off for many. It's not as if there is no precedent for Nokia offering DRM free music, their Comes With Music service in China is DRM free so why not the rest of the world?

Rating: Rating: 1

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Microsoft To Release New XBOX Live Title Each Week for Win Phone 7    [ 17-08-2010 17:36 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Phone Scoop     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Microsoft has been putting a lot of time and money into making sure that the launch of its forthcoming Windows Phone 7 mobile platform goes as well as possible. They've particularly focused on the gaming front, not surprising when you remember they also own the XBOX 360 and that mobile gaming is ballooning in size and popularity. Recently Microsoft announced the creation of a mobile games studio as a sub-division of their current games design studio and to further reinforce the concept of Win Phone 7 as a games platform they've come out and confirmed that there will be a game based on the Halo series available at launch.

Actually a bit more than that was said. Whilst a Halo game ready for purchase at launch is obviously exiciting news for mobile games fans a Microsoft spokesperson also confirmed that a new XBOX Live title would be added to Windows Phone 7 'every week'. The porting process is apparently pretty easy as Shawn Hargreaves, a Microsoft dev, explained that around 97% of what XBOX devs are currently doing can be converted straight over to Win Phone 7. Underscoring that ease of conversion Nathan Fouts, a dev at Mommy's Best Games, which developed 'Weapon of Choice', said that to convert the game for Win Phone 7 took an intern just 2 weeks.

What all this boils down to is Microsoft really gunning for Apple's territory on the gaming side of things. The iPhone is undoutedly the king of the smartphone gaming space right now and Apple have been doing pretty well off the back of games sales and of course the mindshare the scene has attracted. Microsoft will no doubt be hoping to up the ante and capture a hefty slice of a very profitable pie.

Rating: Rating: 1

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iPhone Security Stick Can Access Deleted Data From Your iPhone    [ 17-08-2010 17:32 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

iPhone security has had a few knocks over the years, but once the intitial hubub dies down the problem is usually sorted out pretty quickly. Well here we have an interesting little security issue for the iPhone that's not a software bug. The 'iPhone Spy Stick' is a USB dongle that can serve one of two purposes; on the one hand it could be used to recover lost data from your iPhone and on the other it could be used to steal deleted data from your iPhone.

The amount of data that it can access is quite impressive and ranges from the obvious like text messages and contacts to things like your map history. That last one is particularly interesting because it means that someone could see locations you have been searching for. Before you start panicking it's worth noting that the iPhone Security Stick is $199 so whilst it is within the reach of the common man it's pricey enought hat you shouldn't see too many people running around with one of these.
The press release for the product sums up its capabilities:

BrickHouse Security announces the iPhone Spy Stick, $199, the only computer forensic tool designed to recover deleted data from an iPhone. By simply connecting an iPhone to the USB flash drive Spy Stick, users can quickly download deleted text messages, call history, view web history and even download pictures and voice memos. What makes this tool really cool is the fact that it can download map history, so you can see the locations that the iPhone user has searched for and view dynamic text data like specific names or places, which makes it ideal for people trying to catch a cheating spouse or to monitor your kids’ cell phone use. Although the USB device only currently works only on any iPhone using the iOS to 3.x operating systems, a version for iPhone 4 will be launched in October.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Qualcomm Readying 1.5 GHz Dual-Cores For Smartphones    [ 17-08-2010 16:44 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Gizmodo     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Most high-end smartphones are running with a 1 GHz Snapdragon effort these days, it's pretty much par for the course really. Naturally some have been wondering when we'd see manufacturers up their game and include faster processors and there has actually been a few rumblings over the past few months of various rumoured devices said to be bringing something faster to the table. Well it looks like the 1 GHz barrier will finally be broken late this year or, if things drag a little as they are want to do, early next year. Mark Frankel, Vice President of Product Management at Qualcomm, let the details slip and the change is due to come in the form of the QSD8672 chip. It's a dual core chip and should offer up speeds of 1.5 GHz as well as offering support for 1080p playback and DDR2 and DDR3 as well as HDMI. All in all a pretty nice upgrade, but remember you probably won't see the first devices to use this on sale until next year.

Rating: Rating: 1

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