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Friday 13 August 2010

Video: Google Boosts Voice Commands for Android    [ 13-08-2010 17:53 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Gizmodo     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

One of Android's strong points over iOS has been its support for voice commands. Sure iOS features voice commands and they're not bad, but in all honesty they're not a patch on Android's use of them as even the most ardent Apple fanboy would admit (well maybe not). Google were obviously not satisfied with that level of support though as they've been working on boosting the functionality of voice input for Android and the result is something that can really only be described as superb.

The voice comands don't just cover search, you can use the feature to compose and send a text or email to someone or to find the location of a place you're looking for. You can even compose notes for yourself without having to first load up a separate app for writing a memo. Gizmodo have been giving the new functionality a quick once over and you can see it in action in the video below, but be sure to note the fact that the handset isn't being held up to the narrator's mouth, it's just being held normally.

Rating: Rating: 1

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HTC Holding Mystery Launch on 15th September    [ 13-08-2010 17:31 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Pocket-lint     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

HTC, the teases that they are, are sending out invitations to a press event scheduled for the 15th September. They're not sayning what the event is actually for, just that those receiving an invite should "Come see what HTC has dreamt up", adding a spot of mystery to the proceedings. The invitation itself shows a plume of dark smoke obscuring something, and that something is apparently a handset according to Pocket-lint who have been tinkering around with the image. Thus it would seem likely that it will be a handset that gets announced on the 15th, but Pocket-lint were unable to tell which handset it was in the image, if indeed it was meant to be any 'actual' handset at all rather than just an image of a generic device. Could it be the HTC Desire HD? Something completely different? We'll find out in just over a month ...

Rating: Rating: 2

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Video: Palm Pixi Does 3D Gaming (And Does It Well!)    [ 13-08-2010 16:05 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: PreCentral     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

webOS might not be the first mobile platform that springs to mind when someone uses the phrase 'mobile gaming', but the latest version of the OS is turning out to be no shrinking violet when it comes to running a game. Palm's latest version of webOS, 1.4.5, has probably received more attention for the battery life improvements, but nestled in the update was support for 3D gaming and PreCentral decided to test it by running Need for Speed on the Palm Pixi.

What they found is that the Pixi is pretty much the little Palm that could. Framerates were reasonably high, not in the same league as an iPhone 4 or even the Pre Plus, but PreCentral were quick to point out, '... the overall experience was still surprisingly good." Loading times were perhaps the biggest letdown on the experiment, being a bit on the long side, but weren't 'unacceptable'. One thing that did take a while though was installing the game without the 'luxury' of WiFi.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Android Gesture Search Gets More Intuitive    [ 13-08-2010 15:23 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Gesture Search for Android is nothing new in and of itself, it was released earlier this year and people have been using it for a while now, but Google have been hard at work tweaking the experience and have added some new functionality that makes the whole experience much more fluid. For those unfamiliar with Gesture Search it's a simple enough concept; you can search throuhg information on your device from anywhere on your device just by drawing on the screen. It's a great idea in principle, but the execution was a bit flawed by the fact that you had to first of all load the service. That detracts somewhat from the fluidity of the search, but Google have introduced a new way to instantly activate the feature and all it requires is for you to flip your phone over. Well it's a double flip to be exact i.e. turn it over and then back again "By doing a 'double flip' motion gesture, or flipping your phone away and then back, you can start Gesture Search at any time. This eliminates the need to activate Gesture Search from a home screen shortcut."

The new functionality is still in beta so there are some bugs to be ironed out, but it is available from the Market so if your one of those impulsive types who just has to ty it out you can, as long as you hae a device running at least Android 1.6. If not you can take a peek at it in the video below.

Rating: Rating: 3

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HTC Spark Specs List Leaks Out    [ 13-08-2010 15:15 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: WMPoweruser     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

As is to be expected rumours, leaks and general mumblings surrounding Windows Phone 7 are increasing the nearer we get to launch. Today it's the turn of the HTC Spark, an upcoming Windows Phone 7 smartphone from the Taiwanese manufacturer that has had its spec sheet leaked onto the internet. At least we think it's genuine, but more on that below.

The specifications aren't anything unusual and to be honest pretty much par for the course with these sort of handsets. There's the almost standard 1 GHz Snapdragon processor, the  5 MP camera, and a 3.7" inch touchscreen with WVGA resolution. HSPA is supported with 5.76 Mbps up and 7.2 Mbps down. All in all it's a nice list of features, but one that could be for pretty much any smartphone at the moment.

Of particular interest though is the list of hardware buttons present in the specifications list. There are various buttons listed including a Back Key, a Home Key and volume buttons. There is no mention of a camera key or a search button though. Why is that important? Microsoft have specified that Windows Phone 7 handsets must have those buttons and WMPoweruser is making the point that the fact those buttons aren't listed here makes the list somewhat suspect.

Rating: Rating: 1

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