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Tuesday 10 August 2010

Another VP Jumps Off The Good Ship Palm    [ 10-08-2010 14:20 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The departure of CEO Mark Hurd may be the big news over at HP at the moment, but there have been others leaving the company too, notably most of recently acquired Palm's senior management team. The Hurd departure obviously overshadowed the latest Palm executive to leave the company, but it's significant nonetheless. That's especially true when you consider that it's Peter Skillman we're talking about; he's the chap who designed the Pre and his departure will almost certainly be a heavy blow. It comes alongside other high ranking Palm luminaries to have fled the company such as Michael Abbot, Mike Bell, Lynn Fox, Matias Duarte, Rich Dellinger and Caitlin Spaan. That list accounts for all the senior vice presidents at Palm and indeed almost all the vice presidents. In fact it's pretty much just Jon Rubenstein who's left.

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Qualcomm Sees Massive Growth In Chip Shipments    [ 10-08-2010 14:12 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Pocket-lint     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Qualcomm, the maker of such mobile chips as the Snapdragon, has been releasing some figures and they make for interesting reading. The first thing you notice is the sheer volume of chips being shipped to manufacturers, with around 300 million shipped this year already and Qualcomm are predicting that figure will rise by another 110 million or so as the year ends. In fact they're predicting that total shipments for Q10 will be somewhere in the region of 400 million. That's a lot of chips, indeed it works out to more than 1 million a day, and it underlies just how quickly the mobile market, especially the smartphone market, is growing.

The figures are more impressive though when put in context and again underscore the rapid pace of growth in the market. Looking back at 2003 Qualcomm shipped 100 million chips that year, 25% of what it says it will ship this year. Even going back to last year Qualcomm managed to shift 317 million chips, which gives this year's projection a growth rate of around 25%. That's a very impressive figure and it's set to increase again in 2011 going on current indicators, especially as tablets begin their rise to consumer adoption.

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Microsoft Reveals Project Menlo - A 'New' Mobile OS    [ 10-08-2010 13:46 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: mweb6161    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Microsoft has been cooking up a new OS in a project codenamed 'Menlo'. The project has come to light in a series of research papers that have been released by Microsoft Research and the documents confirm that Project Menlo was an attempt by Redmond to craft a new mobile OS. The prototype device itself is apparently sporting features like a 4.1" capacitive touchscreen, a 3-axis accelerometer and a barometer and to cap it all it's running Microsoft Windows CE 6.0 R2. Yes I really did mean to type 'Windows CE'. Whilst the project is supposedly looking at creating a new mobile OS Microsoft are seemingly using Windows CE as the underlying core, but it will have more modern aspects to it though such as support for third party apps. There is also at least one Silverlight based overlay for the OS, known as Greenfield, which uses the device's sensors for tracking purposes.

It's an interesting project alright, but certainly not the sort of super sexy effort we might have expected to be evolving deep in the bowels of Redmond's R&D labs. However, it doesn't have to be if it's not meant for consumer adoption. This could be the inkling of a new generation of commercial enterprise devices that could see widespread adoption by businesses. It might also be, perhaps in conjunction with that last theory, an attempt at a widely compatible OS that can be matched up with disparate hardware.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Moto Getting Set to Ditch MOTOBLUR?    [ 10-08-2010 13:06 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Android and Me     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Motorola have been giving some increasingly strong signals that they might be about to ditch MOTOBLUR, their custom UI skin for Android. The latest indication came during a conference call when Motorola's CEO, Dr Sanjay Jha responded to a reporter's question on the issue. Dr Jha was asked about the fact that Motorola seems to have stopped advertising and promoting MOTOBLUR and wondered what the future had in store for the brand. Dr Jha responded that Motorola would be focusing more on the actual products and that MOTOBLUR would be sidelined as a result as a brandname.

"With MOTOBLUR, we have found that being able to convey the value proposition around MOTOBLUR is not an easy thing to do in a 30-second ad spot. We have decided that we will focus on the value proposition of products and not MOTOBLUR as a brand name in its own right. MOTOBLUR continues to be important and I think you will see increased functionality in MOTOBLUR. This notion of push-Internet is going to be very important to us, but as a brand name, which we make matter in front of consumers as a brand name, I don’t think that’s going to be our focus going forward, but we see the experiences that we deliver is being relevant and differentiating us."

This would certainly be in keeping with how the Droid X has been marketed in so far as MOTOBLUR, whilst present, hasn't had any mention in promotional materials. This all ties up with the mounting speculation of an UI overhaul in Android 3.0 (Gingerbread), which many are expecting to make custom UI's obsolete. Indeed much of MOTOBLUR's extra functionality has now been duplicated in Android 2.x builds so it's not much of a leap to imagine Android 3.0 taking that even further.

Rating: Rating: 1

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