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Tuesday 03 August 2010

Android Outselling iPhone In the U.S.    [ 03-08-2010 17:37 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Nielsen via TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Yesterday we reported that Android had seen spectacular growth in Q2, almost topping 900%. Well Nielsen's figures for the U.S., released today, paint a similar picture, showing Android as outselling the much more heavily publicised iPhone. In the first six months of 2010 Android accounted for 27% of all smartphone sales in the U.S. compared with the iPhone, which managed to capture 23%. Android has come from almost nothing back in Q2 2009 where it had only a 2% share of the U.S. smartphone market to almost sextupling that share to 13%. The iPhone made an impressive gain of 7% in the same period and RIM saw a 2% fall. Android shows no sign of slowing down with a multitude of handsets currently available and selling very well, if somewhat quietly when compared with the iPhone. In the U.S. handsets like the Droid have taken the market by storm, whilst in Europe the Desire continues to be one of the most sought after handsets.

Nielsen sums up the situation for Android on their blog:

"... Google’s Android OS has shown the most significant expansion in market share among current subscribers. Android’s rise is even more noticeable among new smartphone subscribers in the last six months ..."

Rating: Rating: 1

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Win Phone 7 Email Images Set to Annoy    [ 03-08-2010 17:26 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Mobility Digest     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Windows Phone 7 has generally been received warmly from the few interactions with it that have been made public. Not everyone has taken to it though and that camp have another thing to add to their list of reasons for thinking Win Phone 7 will be a bit of a damp squib. It seems that HTML emails are playing as nicely on Win Phone 7 as they did on the old Windows Mobile paltform. That is to say not very nicely at all. The sticking point comes with images, which Win Phone 7 apparently doesn't download automatically. Sure you can select to download them yourself, but it is a bit annoying to have to do it every time, especially given that both Android and iOS allow automatic image downloads in HTML emails. It's all allegedly to do with security so this doesn't look like something that is going to change before the official launch later this year.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Blackberry Customer Loyalty Nosedives    [ 03-08-2010 17:08 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Nielsen have released their numbers for the American mobile market and the picture isn't looking too rosy for RIM, maker of the popular Blackberry series of smartphones. RIM commands around 23% of smartphone sales to new smartphone customers according to RIM, but crucially it's customer loyalty that has taken a very hard hit over in RIM's camp. Some 42% of Blackberry owners say they plan on renewing their handset with another Blackberry. To give that figure some context the corresponding figure for Android users is 71% and for the iPhone it's a very safe 89%. So where are all those Blackberry deserters going? Well 29% say they will opt for an iPhone and 21% say they will plump for Android. Looking at those abandoning Android and the iPhone only 3% and 2% respectively say they will choose a Blackberry. If RIM doesn't want to see its market share drain away fast they'd better hope Blackberry OS6 and the spate of new handsets running it reverse the rot.

Rating: Rating: 1

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UAE Blackberry Ban Applies to Tourists    [ 03-08-2010 17:04 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Washington Post     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

After the news came out that the United Arab Emirates was to ban Blackberry use in the country some may have wondered whether this would affect visitors and tourists or just nationals. Well wonder no more, the ban will indeed apply to everyone, tourists included. To be specific the ban focuses on Blackberry data services, not calls, so you should still be able to use voice calls, but of course the whole point of a Blackberry is email and other data services. It's an odd move for a country that depends so much on international commerce and with business travellers jetting in and out it won't be long before the ban starts to grate on those travellers. Of course a deal might be reached at some point, but until/unless it does it looks like you won't be checking your email in the UAE.

Rating: Rating: 1

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