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Monday 26 April 2010

Japanese Working on Symbian-Linux Compatible OS    [ 26-04-2010 16:11 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Administrator    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

NTT DoCoMo, Renesas, Fujitsu, NEC, Panasonic and Sharp are apparently all set to get cracking on a new mobile OS. Why another OS you ask? Well it seems that these companies want to create an OS that is compatible with both Linux and Symbian apps! Although the new hybrid OS doesn't have an official name yet and work has presumably just started, it should be released around March 2012 if the companies involved keep to their timetable. One clear question has to be asked: why?

Do we really need yet another OS, even if it does combin Linux and Symbian compatability? Linux isn't a huge force in the mobile space at the moment beyond geeks and enthusiasts so is there really much justification for this? Especially when you consider that Microsoft are launching a new OS this year and Samsung are trying to get Bada up off the ground. As if all of that wasn't enough there are seemingly plans afoot to make it compatible with Android too. It's fair comment to ask whether the resources being put into this joint effort wouldn't be better spent elsewhere. The biggest proponents of Android and Symbian are, quite frankly, likely to stick with those OSs rather than move to a hybrid system so beyond a few Japanese companies that, to be blunt, have a fairly minor presence in the overall global handset market, who will use it?

Rating: Rating: 2

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Possible Criminal Charges for Gizmodo Over iPhone Story    [ 26-04-2010 15:18 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: New York Times     Translation by: Administrator    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

By far the biggest mobile scoop, and news if we're being honest, of the year has been Gizmodo's exclusive hands-on with the next gen iPhone. Anyone with even a passing interest in mobile technology will no doubt know the story by now, namely that Gizmodo bought a prototype iPhone that had been lost in a bar. They wrote up several articles and the pageviews rolled in. One point that many people consistently raised, however, was whether or not Gizmodo might face criminal charges for having bought what many said were stolen goods. Well the New York Times is reporting that Californian authorities are considering bringing charges against Gizmodo with action possibly being started as early as next week.

Gizmodo's editor, Brian Lam, commented that Gizmodo "didn’t know this was stolen when we bought it". The New York Times cites unnamed sources saying that if charges are brought then they would most probably be levied at the person who sold the device and the person who bought it. Interestingly enough, despite Gizmodo having publicly named the Apple employee who lost the handset they haven't named the person who found it and who sold it to them for $5,000. All this might still come to nothing though according to to comments made by Stephen Wagstaffe, chief deputy district attorney for San Mateo County, in some cases "we call it misappropriation of lost property; it’s a crime but it’s not theft." He went on to say that 'knowledge' is a key factor, presumably meaning that it would be treated as thef if the buyer knew that he was buying something that didn't belong to the person selling it.

This story probably has a bit of steam left in it so expect to hear more about this soon ...

Rating: Rating: 1

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Office Integrated Into E-Mail for Windows Phone 7    [ 26-04-2010 15:03 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Pocket-lint     Translation by: Administrator    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

A couple of videos have appeared showing Windows Phone 7's ability to edit Office documents right from inside the email app. I know that might not sound exciting, but think about it for a moment, the user can receive an attachment, view it, edit it, and send it on all from the comfort of the email app rather than having to trudge between separate applications. It's pretty intense stuff really. The videos obviously show the whole thing off much better than can be described here, but here are a couple of things to watch out for; adding audio via the phone's mic, contributing to ongoing projects with collaborators able to add SharePoint notes. Microsoft certainly seems to have upped their game significantly and it makes other OSs e.g. iPhone OS look a bit clunky by comparison. Take a peek for yourself:

Rating: Rating: 1

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