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Tuesday 27 September 2011

Windows OS Share Down For 2nd Month In A Row    [ 27-09-2011 19:20 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: via BGR     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Some interesting numbers on Windows usage have come out of Chitika's, an advertising company, research department. They have published figures shoing operating system usage on its network during September and those figures show Windows dropping by 0.592%. Ok so that doesn't sound like very much, but Chikita also pegged Windows as down 0.75% the previous month, that's a total drop of 1.35% since July. Windows total share now stands at 77.7%.

So why the drop? Well Apple's Mac OS X platform climbed slightly during September, 1.039%, which gave it a double digit market share of 10.6%. Android too climbed a little, now having a total of 3.3%. iOS dropped though, down to 5.2%. Now one can't claim that such small movements herald the death of Windows as is so often claimed when figures like these appear, but it does signal that customers are diversifying their computing habits and relying on Windows just that little bit less.

Rating: Rating: 2

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BlackBerry Devs Making Profit, Not Optimistic On RIM's Future Though    [ 27-09-2011 18:40 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: via Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

A survey of Black berry developers by Evans Data Corp revealed that some 13% were making $100,000+ from their apps each year. That's a good deal more than either Android or iOS. If the statistic is true then why aren't more devs developing for BlackBerry?

Well let's start with the survey itself. It was conducted amongst just 400 developers so the sample size is rather small to begin with, which raises questions over the statistical validity of the survey. Beyond that though is a rather worrying trend amongst those surveyed (worrying for RIM anyway) that showed they had almost no confidence in the future of the BlackBerry platform.

Just 4.8% of those polled thought BlackBerry would be the top platform in two year's time. Compare that with the 30.2% who said Android and the 28.4% who said iOS. In other words they see which way the wind is blowing. It's also a case of RIM itself making life difficult for developers with 37% of the saying that app visibility was a big concern for them and that the approval process was frustrating as well as 'heavy restrictions' that were put in place on their development efforts.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Apple Might Use Curved Screens On The iPhone 6    [ 27-09-2011 18:33 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: DigiTimes     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

There was yet another rumour doing the rounds today concenring when the iPhone 5 might or might not go on sale. Frankly I'm bored of them so instead let's take a look at an iPhone 6 rumour!

DigiTimes are reporting that Apple might introduce curved touchscreens to their devices next year. The report says that Apple have been in talks with Lens Technology, G-Tech and Fuji Crystal, companies it uses to supply glass for its iPhone and iPad ranges, to supply those companies with equipment for polishing glass.

Curved screens aren't entirely new to smartphones, the Nexus S had a concave screen, for example. That design feature apparently made the phone more comfortable to use during calls, but there is another practical side to it as well. A curved screen should help protect against scratches when the handset is placed face down on a surface.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Verizon: Apple Suing Samsung Harms American Consumers    [ 27-09-2011 17:51 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Reuters     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

There's no love lost between Apple and Samsung with the two companies suing the pants off each other around the globe. Samsung hasn't been faring very well in those legal battles though so it needs all the allies it can get and it's found a new one in the form of American network Verizon.

Verizon released a statement saying:

The requested injunction of certain Samsung products will harm Verizon Wireless and U.S. consumers. It also has the posisbility of slowing the deployment of next-generation networks - such as Verizon Wireless's [sic] - contrary to the stated goals of the U.S. government.

Some may think it a surprising move from Verizon given that it sells both the iPhone and Samsung Android phones, but Verizon knows which side its bread is buttered on. Verizon has done well from Android and if Android is seriously hurt in these legal disputes then that could affect Verizon's bottom line. Verizon will also be well aware that Android is growing extremely quickly and that for Apple to even think about maintaining the same pace it will need as many networks onboard with the iPhone as it can get so in that sense it's Apple that needs Verizon in the years ahead, not the other way around.

Rating: Rating: 1

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