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Monday 28 November 2011

Toilet Gaming Literally Taking The Piss    [ 28-11-2011 18:55 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: BBC     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

When men go to the toilet in apub or a club we usually do only one thing: stare at the wallin front of us until we're finished. You can't read much when your standing up  to pee and you certainly don't strike up a conversation with the guy next to you! However, one company Captive Media, is trying to change this behaviour, and subject us to some advertising in the process, with their range of urinal games.

The concept is pretty simple, a display is mounted above the urinal whilst three markers are placed in the urinal itself. The display offers up various games with the markers being used as a form of joystick. An infrared sensor tracks the flow of urine and registeres responses based upon which marker is hit.

The sort of games included are pretty simple, but quite fun looking it has to be said. One example is 'Heroes of the Piste' a skiing game with a pun for a name (click here for video). The object of the game is to ski into penguins to pick up points and you do this by directing the flow of your urine left or right. There are leaderboards displayed so you can even compete against other men, which taps into that primal urge men have to beat each other.

The system is run by Windows 7 and crucially doesn't use a camera, an important concern given the setting for these games. Also of importance is the fact that the sensors are mounted in the display and no the urinal itself. This means that none of the plumbing needs to be modified for this to be installed, wich should make the devices more attractive to venue owners.

Venue owners are given 25% of the ad space the devices provide whilst third parties can buy the remaining 75%. It's this ad space that could prove a real winner given that young men especially are difficult to reach with advertising when they're out for a night. In Britain alone men spend a billion minutes each year peeing. That's a billion minutes of advertising, not something advertisers will want to just piss away.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Kinect 2 So Accurate It Can Read Lips    [ 28-11-2011 18:28 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Eurogamer     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Eurogamer are reporting that Microsoft's next-gen Kinect device will be accurate enough to lip read. Citing anonymous sources Eurogamer said that the Kinect 2 will be shipping with the next incarnation of the Xbox. In addition to being able to lip read the device will also be able to discern emotion, for example, telling whether someone is angry is not as well as determining which direction they are currently facing. It will track emotion by measuring the pitch of a player's voice as well as analysing their facial characteristics.

Present Kinect technology is being hampered by its use of USB, which limits the amount of information that can be delivered to the console. The Kinect 2 will be using larger feeds so the console will be fed alot more information, which in turn means it can do a lot more.

As for the console itself there is said to be plans for two separate versions: a basic version that will act a Kinect portal, and another version that would be the full featured 'read deal' with all the bells and whistles. CES in the New Year could see the first appearance of this new console(s), but ana ctual launch isn't expected untillate next year, probably towards Christmas time.

Rating: Rating: 1

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IPComm Looking To Ban HTC From Germany    [ 28-11-2011 16:27 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Reuters     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

It's a dangerous time to be a smartphone manufacturer with patent lawsuits flying thick and thin. HTC isone such company embroiled in themidst of legal wrangling and that could soon see their entire smartphone range banned from sale in Germany. IPComm, the firm that sued HTC back in 2009 over a patent dispute, plans to seek the enforcement of an injunction they obtained now that HTC have withdrawn an appeal against the injunction.

IPComm summed up their position in pretty simple terms:

IPComm now intends to execute this injunction in the shortest possibletime. We will use the right awarded by the courts, likely resulting in HTC devices disappearing from shops during the crucial Christmas season.

So why have HTC decided not to appeal after all? Well apparently, according to HTC, the validity of the patent concerned is under question. There are two further patents still being decided upon in the courts and HTC can now fcus on defending those actions, but it does still retain the means to delay the injunction on the first patent although that will probably be a difficult undertaking according to German analysts.

All of this couldn't have come at a worse time for HTC given that they have recently downgraded their fourth quarter revenue projections. Germany is one of Europe's biggest smartphone markets and an injunction blocking access to it could do a fair amount of damage to HTC.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Video: Siri Takes Control Of Spotify    [ 28-11-2011 16:23 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: SlashGear     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

As expected Siri has started to branch out beyond its initial functionality. We saw a glimpse of the potential for Siri when one dev managed to get it to control a thermostat hooked upto the net.That was a proof of concept demo of course, but here we have something a bit more useful for your average smartphone user; Siri controlled Spotify. It uses the SiriProxy software and can see Siri playing tracks for you, identifying music, creating playlists, and shuffling and pausing tracks you're listening to. Check out the short video of it in action below:

Rating: Rating: 1

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