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Saturday 05 March 2011

Android Set To Dominate Tablet Market    [ 05-03-2011 21:09 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: BGR     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The iPad 2 is grabbing column inches galore at the moment, but a new forecast from RBC Capital markets is taking a little of the shine off it already. According to their forecast the tablet market will explode over the next three years growing to some £42 billion by 2014 with Android taking an impressive 40% of the market.

That figure, according to RBC, will put Android in a dominant position in that market. That doesn't mean that Apple will be lagging behind or doing badly by any means as the analysis states "While Apple's iPad may continue to set the bar high for experience, we expect Android to dominate."

The main growth for Android in this amrket will probably come from the Chinese manufacturers who will cut costs to release cheap alternatives to the higher priced tablets being offered from the major manufacturers,

Rating: Rating: 1

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iPhone 5 To Feature Antenna Integrated Into Logo?    [ 05-03-2011 20:10 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: MacRumours     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The single biggest gripe with the iPhone 4 was undoutedly the antenna problems it has suffered. With that in mind a rumour circulating today has it that Apple may be considering a different design for the iPhone 5.

Taiwanese newspaper Economic Daily News (how many of you thought I was about to say DigiTimes?) is citing anonymous sources (are they ever not anonymous?) as saying that the iPhone 5 could feature a milled aluminium back with the antenna as part of the Apple logo. Not a million miles from the WiFi only version of the original iPad.

It's certainly conceivable that the hub bub over antennagate has forced Apple to consider how it approaches the antenna in future iterations of the iPhone, but at the moment this is just speculation. However, it's speculation that comes with a rather spiffy mock-up!

Rating: Rating: 2

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Sony Ericsson Win Phone 7 Handset Leaked?    [ 05-03-2011 18:11 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Unwired View     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The mobile tech game is made up of two key events: major hardware/software announcements that get people all riled up with excitement and the rumours and leaks that preceed those announcements, which truth be told have much the same effect on the digerati as the announcements themselves. Today we have something in that latter category ...

What you see here are pictures of a purported Sony Ericsson Windows Phone 7 handset. The key feature is the full slide out QWERTY keyboard, somewhat reminiscent of the company's first Xperia handset, the X1. The key question here though is whether this thing is real or not?

Speaking with a trusted source today he is of the opinion that this is the real deal, or at least an early prototype. Even so I would still take a pinch of salt with these images. Rumours of a Sony Ericsson Windows Phone handset have been around for a while now, remember Julie? Well Julie was said to be cancelled and indeed the few concepts and prototypes that Sony Ericsson have been trying out have all been binned.

There is another aspect to consider here though; the Xperia Play. It was only unveiled a few short weeks ago and with it comes Sony Ericsson's (and Sony's) efforts to launch what will basically be a brand new gaming platform on Android. With that in mind is it plausible that Sony Ericsson would be jumping onboard with Microsoft and their rival Xbox platform?

UPDATE: The pictures are real, but as I suspected it's an old prototype that was cancelled last year.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Google Removing Malware Apps Remotely    [ 05-03-2011 16:57 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Google     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Last week's big Android news was of course the revelatioon that almost two dozen apps had in fact been malware with the prospect that user data could be stolen. The malware in question didn't affect Froyo 2.2.2 upwards, but those running older versions of Android were at risk from it.

That being the case Google has swung into action! They are following the plan below:

  • We removed the malicious applications from Android Market, suspended the associated developer accounts, and contacted law enforcement about the attack.
  • We are remotely removing the malicious applications from affected devices. This remote application removal feature is one of many security controls the Android team can use to help protect users from malicious applications.
  • We are pushing an Android Market security update to all affected devices that undoes the exploits to prevent the attacker(s) from accessing any more information from affected devices. If your device has been affected, you will receive an email from [email protected] over the next 72 hours. You will also receive a notification on your device that “Android Market Security Tool March 2011” has been installed. You may also receive notification(s) on your device that an application has been removed. You are not required to take any action from there; the update will automatically undo the exploit. Within 24 hours of the exploit being undone, you will receive a second email.
  • We are adding a number of measures to help prevent additional malicious applications using similar exploits from being distributed through Android Market and are working with our partners to provide the fix for the underlying security issues.
  • Uh oh that means Google is infiltrating handsets and removing software! Let the panic begin! Well no not really because even though Google are remotely deleting apps from users' handsets it is definitely justified here. Nobody wants their data stolen and Google is doing its customers a service in this regard, especially those new to smartphones who may not appreciate the risk involved with this malware or who are unsure about deleting apps, etc.

    It's also worth pointing out that this sort of action demonstrates just how seriously Google views this situation and malware in general. The Android Market is sometimes viewed as a wild west, but here we have the sherriff laying down a bit of law and order.

    Rating: Rating: 3

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