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Wednesday 02 March 2011

What To Expect From the iPad 2    [ 02-03-2011 19:28 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: http://androidcommunity.com/     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

So it has finally been announced and yes it's going to be in the shops within a week or so, but what's new that you can expect from the iPad 2?

Well first of all there will almost certainly be a tonne of marketing bulls**t from Apple centered around the iPad 2 and I'm willing to bet you will be hearing the word 'magical' a lot in the coming couple of weeks. That aside you are probably also going to be hearing and seeing a lot about how thin the device is and to be fair it is very thing, just 8.8mm thick. It's also lighter than its predecessor, weighing in at 1.3 pounds instead of the hernia inducing 1.5 pounds of the original iPad,

But what about the actual hardware? Well on that front we have a new chip powering the whole thing, the A5. It's a dual cored job, which Apple are saying is twice as fast as the chip in the original iPad and with nine times better graphics performance. In other words it's pretty sweet.

What else is there? Well there are now two cameras, one on the back and one on the front. FaceTime is supported of course and you can make video calls between iPad 2 users, iPhone 4 users and Mac users. The iPad 2 also includes the gyroscope already seeing service in the iPhone and iPod Touch. HDMI support is there, and you can buy yourself a matching cable for that very purpose.

There is a white version shipping from day one and memory and price will remain the same.

All in all a pretty weak update really, it's definitely looking more like a stop gap measure until the next iteration of the iPad, much like the 3GS was to the 3G, rather than a new product that will really break boundaries.

The cynical man might say that it's basically just an iPad with a couple of cameras added. Thankfully I prefer sarcasm to cynicism so I'm not going to say that. But think about this for a moment, on Apple's website they have the following advertising pitch for the iPad 2:

Note that of the selling points listed one is about covers for your iPad 2, nothing really to do with the product itself, whilst another is about keeping the battery life the same as its predecessor, in other words no advancement on that front.

At any rate it's going to be out on 11th March in select countries with more to follow soon afterwards so to enable you to prepare here is a video (via Engadget) of Apple execs doing their usual over the top routine:

Rating: Rating: 2

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iPad 2 Barely An Hour Old ... iPad 3 Rumour Appears    [ 02-03-2011 19:05 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Cult of Mac     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The iPad 2 has literally only just been announced, in fact the keynote is still ongoing as I write this, but already rumours of an iPad 3 have surfaced!

CultofMac are reporting a tip from an anonymous Apple employee who says that the iPad 3 is actually 'on track for later this year". The thinking is apparently along the lines that the iPad 2 is a 'ho-hum update', more a stop gap than a real update and that the iPad 3 is the one people should be holding off for.

Personally I'm not putting much stock in this so why am I posting it you might ask? Well to be blunt because it's so incredibly ridiculous that we already have a rumoured succesor to a product announced less than an hour ago. Welcome to the wonderful world of technology folks!

Rating: Rating: 2

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