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Wednesday 12 January 2011

Sony Ericsson Admits 2010 Mistakes, Says They Will Do Better In 2011    [ 12-01-2011 19:46 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Pocket-lint     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Pocket-lint managed to grab a hold of Sony Ericsson acting  head of global marketing, Steve Walker, at CES and sat him down for a chat about what the company is up to and how they've learnt from the mistakes they made in 2010.

I don't think it's an understatement to suggest that Sony Ericsson's 2010 Android line up, especially the X10, proved to be rather less than the success the company would have hoped for. Reflecting on that Walker explained:

It’s important to remember that 2010 was the first year for mass market Android handsets. Yes there had been one or two things out from HTC previously, but when we started to design our 2010 handsets in 2008, nobody really knew the dynamics of the Android smartphone market or even what the smartphone market was going to be.

Fair enough that's a frank enough admission, but then again HTC and Samsung seemed able to get it right for 2010 so why not Sony Ericsson? At any rate Walker isn't dwelling on the past, rather he says Sony Ericsson has learnt from it's past mistakes and "As we do every year, we’ve taken those learnings and applied them to the new products in the new portfolio. We do think we’ve taken a big step forward for 2011".

Sony Ericsson's big mistake last year was to marginalise the hardware, the X10 being the prime example of that. By the time it was released it was simply not up to scratch in comparison to other products as Walker confirms:

We talked a lot about the platform and the software. The hardware was important but the hardware played second fiddle. What we think is different in 2011 is that consumer attention is swinging back to hardware once more. That’s not to say people aren’t focused on software, but that they are a little more in balance now.

Speaking of software Walker acknowledged that Sony Ericsson completely underestimated the level of passion customers would display with regards to the outdated Android version that shipped with the X10 or the poor update cycle "Last year we didn’t anticipate the strength of feeling that consumers would have towards the Android release".

The Xperia arc, unveiled at CES is the first of many new products this year, and also the first, Walker says, to take onboard the lessons learnt in 2010. Here's hoping.

Rating: Rating: 1

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iPhone HotSpot Support Coming To All iPhones With Next Update    [ 12-01-2011 19:31 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: BGR     Translation by: mweb6161    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Yesterday's announcement of the iPhone, despite the hoopla and even the appearance of hands-on videos, was very much an old phone being re-released on a new network. If it was anyone but Apple chances are nobody would have cared (some still didn't it should be added).

Anyway there was one piece of information to come out of the launch that proved highly interesting, the appearance of WiFi hotspot functionality in the CDMA iPhone. BGR are reporting that they have a source who has confirmed that this feature will be making its way to all iPhones with the version 4.3 update to iOS.

Of course this is nothing to write home about if you have an Android device running Froyo, but even so it's still nice to see it making it into other handsets.

Rating: Rating: 3

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Qualcomm Dual-Core Chipsets Coming (Sometime) This Year    [ 12-01-2011 19:20 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

2010 was most definitely Qualcomm's year when it came to chips, it's Snapdragon design was powering just about every respectable smartphone that was launched. At least that's how it seemed.

We're barely two weeks into 2011 and already the talk has turned to NVIDIA and their Tegra 2 dual-core chipsets. These bad boys will be powering some of the most anticipated smartphones of the year and ramping up the specs list in the process. So where is Qualcomm?

Well you may not even remember, but Qualcomm did in fact announce its own dual-core chips last year and it's saying that we'll be seeing them this year, but that's about as specific as they're getting right now. Tablets from Acer, Compal and Pantech are expected to feature the new Qualcoom chipset and of course there may be some unannounced smartphones that will sport it too.

If we have to wait until the latter part of the year to see Qualcomm's chips in devices does that mean that they've missed the boat and are now playing second fiddle to NVIDIA?

Well NVIDIA has undoubtedly raised their profile in the smartphone game this year, you just have to look at the column inches dedicated to the Tegra 2 to see that they've got some mindshare there, but Qualcomm has an ace up their sleeve. Unlike NVIDIA Qualcomm can offer manufacturers the whole kit and kaboodle, the processor, the GPU, cellular, WiFi and GPS radios, etc. Qualcomm's dual-core chips also feature an asynchronous design, which means that manufacturers can tweak each core to run at varying voltages and clock speeds meaning that battery life can be boosted in the process.

Rating: Rating: 4

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Microsoft Tries To Stop Apple Trademarking 'App Store'    [ 12-01-2011 19:19 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Techflash     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

One of the defining characteristics of the tech world is the dispute, sometimes legal, sometimes just handbags at dawn, between two or more giant corporations. Here we have one such dispute brewing ...

Microsoft is objecting to Apple wanting to trademark the term 'App Store', arguing that it's a generic term that can apply to any of the  ... well app stores, that are currently up and running. That's a fair point, but an equally fair point is made when Apple says that when people use the term 'App Store' they tend to associate it with Apple's App Store anyway.

If all of this seems like two kids fighting over what to call the treehouse they just built it's not quite that silly (note I said 'not quite') because this all comes down to mindshare, something Apple can't move five paces without tripping over and something that Microsoft has very little of at the moment.

Microsoft have taken this dispute to the next stage though by asking the U.S. Patents and Trademarks Office to decline Apple's trademark request for the term on the basis that it's a generic name. Will Apple fight back? Does Steve Jobs like turtle necks?

Rating: Rating: 3

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