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Wednesday 16 February 2011

The World Of Nokia Users    [ 16-02-2011 19:52 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Pocket-lint     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The last few years haven't been kind to Nokia with all sorts of failures and a sense that the company was stumbling along with little real direction. It's easy then to forget that Nokia is still the biggest mobile phone manufacturer in the world with 1 million S30 and S40 devices being sold every day.

With that phenomenal selling ability in mind here is a map of Nokia users around the world. Every dot of light in the map below represents a Nokia phone user and it is hard not to be impressed by the sheer reach of the company when you look at it.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Moto Droid X2 Pics & Specs    [ 16-02-2011 19:39 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: TheMobiZone     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

So here we have what is apparently the Motorola Droid X 2, the alleged successor to last year's Droid X.

The pictures are actually pretty clear for once, which makes a nice change and there are even some specifications to go with them. The screen is a 4.3 inch qHD affair running with a 960x540 resolution and there's a 1 GHz Tegra 2 dual-core under the bonnet with 1 GB of RAM to back it up. There's an 8 MP camera lurking on the back, but no front facing camera so no video calling.

In terms of release dates it's being pegged for launch sometime in Q2.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Nokia Windows Phone Unlikely Until After Major OS Update    [ 16-02-2011 19:08 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: The Guardian     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

MWC is in full gear at the moment and of course all eyes or on Barcelona, but undoutedly the single biggest piece of mobile news this year has been the Nokia - Microsoft partnership. The single biggest question from that of course is 'when'?

The Guardian is citing sources close to Nokia as saying that there won't be any Nokia Windows Phone handsets until after the expected update to Windows Phone. The update, codenamed Mango, is expected to take Windows Phone 7 to version 7.5, a bridging update between the original 7 launch and Windows Phone 8 expected in 2012. It's also worth noting that Nokia haven't actually specifically said they will be releasing a Windows Phone 7 handset, which would tie in with the upgrade taking the platform beyond version 7.

What all of this boils down to is the likliehood of no Nokia Windows Phone products until after October this year. Stephen Elop has said that there will be a device this year, but that full scale deployment of the platform on Nokia products won't happen until 2012.

Rating: Rating: 3

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Microsoft Shows Off Win Phone Update    [ 16-02-2011 18:34 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Microsoft has been talking a bit about its forthcoming Windows Phone 7 update, which will bring multi-tasking, IE9 and SkyDrive support amongst other improvements.

On the multi-tasking front Windows Phone 7 hasn't had true multi-tasking, the apps just hibernate in the background and then wake up again when you need them. The update promises to change that as well as bringing an app switching interface, which isn't dissimilar in appearance to webOS cards interface.

Third party devs will have access to this new system and Microsoft demoed Slacker Radio runningly merrily in the background on a device. However, they weren't completely loose lipped as they didn't say how deep the multi-tasking would go or what other services would have this sort of access.
IE9 was also on display with its support for HTML5 being shown off. A side by side comparison with the iPhone 4 playing back HTML5 video made it pretty clear that the new browser was racing through the content whilst the iPhone 4 stuttered along.

SkyDrive is another new face in the update with a hefty 25 GB of cloud based storage being deployed to users when the update is eventually released. This will allow users to upload and access documents straight from the cloud without clogging up the handset's own memory.

The release window is looking like March, which is later than was initially expected. Hopefully Microsoft gets this out soon though as more delays isn't good for their reputation in keeping their platform up to date and if you don't think that's a problem just ask Sony Ericsson.

Rating: Rating: 3

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NVIDIA Unveils Kal-El - Quad-Core Mobile Chip    [ 16-02-2011 18:07 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

NVIDIA last night took the wraps off their new quad-core mobile chip, codenamed Kal-El and judging by the demo they put on it more than lives up to that famous name.

The chip will most likely be known as the Tegra 3 when it is commercially released, which should be sometime around August when it will start appearing in tablets. Smartphone integration will be a little later, most likely around Christmas time.

The demo I mentioned consisted of a 2560x1440 stream being decoded and scaled down to 1366x768 whilst also being pumped to a 30 inch 2560x1600 display. That's a pretty serious amount of work right there and Kal-El gave no sign of struggling with it.

NVIDIA say that Kal-El is approximately double the speed of the Tegra 2, which is no slouch itself remember, and also has triple the graphics power to boot. Comparing the two chips side by side running Great Battles Medieval Kal-El's performance was evidently surpassing that of its older brother.

NVIDIA have been keen to reassure people that despite having a dozen full GPU cores Kal-El is no power hog. They say that with efficiency improvements it can support up to 12 hours of HD video playback ... if the right conditions are met of course.

Rating: Rating: 3

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