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Thursday 07 April 2011

Gartner Predicts Android's Almost 40% Market Share By End Of 2011    [ 07-04-2011 19:03 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Gartner via Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

It's that time of the month/year again when the analysts release their forecasts on how the various smartphone platforms will fare. Last week we had IDC's predictions and today we have Gartner giving their two pence worth. The first thing you will notice with the Gartner results is that they are, in the general sense, similar to the predictions IDC made in its own forecast.

For example, Android is once again the big man on campus with Gartner predicting that it will rise to take a 38.5% share of the market by the end of this year. That would leave industry stalwart Symbian on just 19.2% according to Gartner, which is a massive decline from Symbian's 37.6% share in 2010. Moving ahead to 2012 Gartner sees Android grabbing almost half the smartphone market with 49.2%. Of course the farther ahead in time you move the less accurate these predictions become.

iOs is predicted to peak in popularity this year attaining a 19.4% market share, but Gartner sees Apple's platform declining in the years after; down to 18.9% in 2012 and then 17.2% by 2015. Presumably this will be because of Apple's focus on a single device and that device's high price point in comparison to the multitude of devices running other platforms as well as the multitude of price points brought to bear by Android, Windows Phone 7, etc.

On the subject of Windows Phone 7 Gartner predicts a rise to 5.6% this year and then an almost doubling to 10.8% next year. In the long run (2015) Gartner sees Windows Phone 7 as the second largest platform with 19.5% (still a long way behind Android though). As I said before the farther ahead in time we go the less accurate these numbers become, but Gartner does have good reason to predict a big rise in Windows Phone 7's fortunes: Nokia. With Nokia able to churn out lots of devices at different price points Windows Phone 7 would get a big boost in terms of its availability and reach.

Last, but not least, is RIM which increasingly looks like an also ran whenever we look at these sorts of statistics and predictions. Essentially Gartner sees RIM declining in market share with each passing year, dropping to 13.4% this year before sliding to 12.6% next year and then almost slipping into single digits with 11.1% by 2015.

Rating: Rating: 4

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Microsoft: Don't Hack, Wait For The Official Win Phone Update    [ 07-04-2011 19:02 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Windows Phone Blog     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The Windows Phone 7 NoDo update has been a long time coming, so much so in fact that many a user has taken to hacking their way to the update rather than waiting for their network or Microsoft to eventually get around to sending it out to them officially. That's not something Microsoft wants to see though and they are advising those chomping at the bit for the update to be patient:

As an engineer and a gadget lover, I totally understand the impulse to tinker. You want the latest technology and you're tired of waiting. Believe me, I get it.

But my strong advice is: wait. If you attempt one of these workarounds, we can't say for sure what might happen to your phone because we haven't fully tested these homebrew techniques. You might not be getting the important device-specific software we would typically deliver in the official update. Or your phone might get misconfigured and not receive future updates.

It's the same old story really; an update is available for a devices (or devices) and not everyone receives that update at the same time so there are bound to be people desperate to get their hands on it. Where official channels can't provide them with what they want when they want it the online dev community takes their place and provides a solution. Thing is though that unless you are the sort of person who knows what he's doing and/or is happy to bugger about with their device and accept that hacking might bugger it up (the end result of buggering about with a device is that it might be buggered) then you should probably listen to the Microsoft engineer and wait.

Rating: Rating: 2

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iPhone 5 Rumour Infographic    [ 07-04-2011 18:56 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: NowhereElse.fr via IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

iPhone fever is starting to build again as the summer draws nearer and the prospect of a new iPhone looms on the horizon. For those of you who haven't been keeping up with the rumours surrounding the iPhone 5 the chaps at NowhereElse have come up with this rather peachy infographic to explain all to you! Click the image below for the full graphic.

Rating: Rating: 3

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