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Tuesday 05 April 2011

Softbank CEO Giving 10 Billion Yen To Disaster Relief    [ 05-04-2011 19:38 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Softbank     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

You may recall the piece we did about Softbank CEO Masayoshi Son going above and beyond the call of duty to help the survivors of the devastating Japanese earthquake and the resultant tsunami that struck last month. He was pledging to help children orphanded by the disaster as well as find jobs for people and handing out free phones.

Well now the big hearted CEO is pledging a whopping 10 billion Yen (approx $120 million) towards helping the affected regions of Japan. As ever though he is not done yet as he has also pledged to donate all his future compensation from Softbank towards the effort too! Softbank itself will be handing over a further 1 billion Yen towards disaster relief.

Once again kudos to Masayoshi Son!

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New iPod Touch With 128 GB Storage?    [ 05-04-2011 18:54 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: 9to5mac     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Purported image sof a next generation iPod Touch have surfaced showing off a new style Home button and increased storage. The Home button appears to have been changed to a capacitive affair instead of the traditional mechanical button. As for the storage it seems to have doubled over current models by zooming up to 128 GB.

Now you may have detected an air of skepticism in the above paragraph and that's for good reason. For one thing the site that first published these pictures is skeptical itself and secondly the screengrab showing the available storage capacity seems to be off. If the storage capacity is 128 GB as claimed then the available storage to the user should be somewhere in the order of 115-120 GB, not the 126 GB as shown.

So in conclusion take with a pinch of salt.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Video: BlackBerry Touch 9930 Tutorials    [ 05-04-2011 18:45 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: N4BB     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Good old YouTube can be a goldmine for leaked mobile information. Case in point: a few tutorial videos showing off the unannounced BlackBerry Bold Touch 9930. The video below shows off the handset itself, highlighting various buttons etc. The other videos similarly show off various aspects of the device including the homescreen.

Make sure you take a peek quickly as one set of videos have already been pulled from YouTube so these might not last much longer.

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Sony To Provide iPhone 5 With 8 MP Sensor    [ 05-04-2011 17:58 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: WSJ     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Right folks time for another iPhone 5 rumour, this time brought to you by the fine folks at the Wall Street Journal. It seems, according to the WSJ, that the next iPhone could very well have an 8 MP camera sensor provided by none other than Sony.

The rumour cropped up after an interview with Sony CEO Sir Howard Stringer conducted by Walt Mossberg. Stringer is quoted as saying "Our best sensor technology is built in one the (tsunami) affected factories. Those go to Apple for their iPhones ... or iPads. Isn't that something? They buy our best sensors from us? It always puzzles me, "why would I make Apple the best camera?""

Sony obviously make the sensor for the 8 MP toting Xperia arc so Apple will be getting something at least comparable to that. It seems that Sony isn't above helping the competition then ... as long as the price is right.

Rating: Rating: 1

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