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Monday 04 April 2011

Nexus One Selling On eBay for ... $7,000!    [ 04-04-2011 19:38 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Phandroid     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The Nexus One was, by most accounts, a pretty decent phone when it was first released. After all it was the first real 'Google Phone' so to speak and it also featured the latest versions of Android and in general it was a pretty sweet deal. Well it's not the cutting edge any more and as such owners might be trying to get rid of their old phones to buy something newer. Such was the case with one chap selling his Nexus One on ebay ...

Take a look at the screengrab below and see if you can spot what's odd here ... yes that's right this particular Nexus One has a highest bid of almost $7,000! Why? I have absolutely no idea, perhaps it comes with a free car? Or perhaps it will do the housework for you? Or perhaps someone just ballsed up their bid? Either way there are 16 bids on it and I can only imagine whomever made the highest bid won't go through with the auction ... well unless they really really want this Nexus One.

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Nintendo: We Are Not Going To Make A Phone    [ 04-04-2011 19:33 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: CNN     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Consumer electronics companies seem to increasingly be sticking their fingers in many pies these days, but in Nintendo's case they are happy to stick to gaming according to their American president. He was addressing the speculation that Nintendo will enter the mobile phone market, a not all that far fetched bit of rumour mongering given that both Sony and Microsoft now have significant mobile interests.

However, Reggie Fils-Aime, the afore metioned American head honcho, shot those rumours down pretty definitively:

We have no desire to get into telephony. We believe that we will earn our way into someone's pocket without having to offer [phone capability] as an additional factor.

Nintendo just launched the 3DS, which, by all accounts, is doing pretty well. It sold out in Japan at launch and has proven very popular elsewhere so Nintendo are not really feeling the heat to enter a new market. Having said that if the Xperia Play, which is a phone, proves very successful then Nintendo just might want to take another look at this.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Sony CEO: Tablet By End Of Summer    [ 04-04-2011 19:12 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Bloomberg     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

It seems that every major electronics manufacturer has some sort of tablet device out or about to come out. One notable ommission from this space has been Sony, one of the world's largest and most prominent consumer electronics companies. That's about to change though as CEO Howard Stringer has confirmed to the Nikkei newspaper.

The tablet device will be running Honeycomb (Android 3.0) and will be available in the U.S. by the end of summer this year. Now as to whether this will be a Sony product or a Sony Ericsson product there was no mention made, but even if it doesn't directly involve Sony Ericsson it could still make use of UI skins like Timescape. As always we'll just have to wait and see ...

Rating: Rating: 1

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