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Friday 10 September 2010

Google: Froyo Not For Tablets    [ 10-09-2010 18:46 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Gizmodo     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Google are putting it about that Froyo isn't meant for use on tablet devices. Not that manufacturers can't use it on a tablet (ask Samsung), just that Google don't recommend it because it isn't 'optimised' for such use. Google have already said of course that they will promoting their upcoming Chrome OS for use in tablet devices, but then it also seems that future iterations of Android will be 'optimised' for tablets, as Samsung recently announced they will be releasing Honeycomb powered tablets in the next year or two.

All this means of course a certain degree of confusion amongst consumers as to which they should opt for. In the here and now though Google seems quite sure that Froyo isn't the one to go for on a tablet though. Apparently it all comes down to the Market and how apps work, or don't as the case may be, on tablet devices. "The way Android Market works is it's not going to be available on tablets that don't allow devices and applications to run correctly." said Hugo Barra, director of products for mobile at Google. Speakiing about the existing Galaxy Tab Barra seemed to think it is more akin to large phone than a tablet.

It's easy to understand Google's point in all of this, namely that they don't want users to have to go through a bad user experience with a product running their software. However, the danger is that things become confusing for consumers with two different OSs eventually being used for tablets and perhaps two or three different versions of one of those operating systems. A bit of consistency would go a long way.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Shock! Adobe Working On Its iOS Dev Tool Again    [ 10-09-2010 18:14 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

In a move that will surprise few, if any, Adobe have announced that they are to resume work on their development tool for iOS. You will no doubt remember that Adobe essentially abandoned the tool after Apple decided to ban third party dev tools. Well after yesterdays' relaxation of the App Store guidelines (and their publishment!) Flash is back in town.

Devs can now start using Flash to create stand alone applications for iOS although it's worth remembering that Flash is still not supported by the bundled Safari browser in iOS. Even so this will be music to many a Flash developer's ears as they can now get to work creating apps again. For their part Adobe have promised to focus on keeping their tools updated and provide relevant support. Apple are supposedly already approving some early submitted apps created with Adobe's tools so it looks to be coming up roses already.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Qualcomm CEO Slips Up, Announces 1.5 GHz Chips Instead of 1.2 GHz Chips    [ 10-09-2010 18:12 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Slashgear     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Paul Jacobs, the CEO of Qualcomm, let slip that Qualcomm would be releasing 1.5 GHz chips in Q1 of next year at a recent appearance on stage in London. That's great news and of course Qualcomm's share price went up on the revelation. Unfortunately it wasn't true. You see what Mr Jacobs should have said is that Qualcomm will be releasing 1.2 GHz chips in Q1, not 1.5 GHz chips. Qualcomm's PR team then had to clarify their CEO's gaffe and say that the faster chips won't be released until a good bit later on, mostly probably towards the end of 2011, not the start.

The 1.2 GHz chips is currently with manufacturers for testing and will see dual-core chips and support for 1080p video recording and playback. The new chips also promise better graphics for gaming and lower power consumption. So still good news for consumers, but Mr Jacobs might like to get his numbers right next time.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Google Wants To Bring Chrome to Phone To Other Platforms    [ 10-09-2010 18:09 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Google wants to bring Chrome to Phone to platforms other than Android, but it's a dream that probably won't come to fruition in the near future. The search giant designed the service with Android in mind and as Hugo Barra, Google's director of products for mobile, said "We'd like to bring [Chrome to Phone] to other platforms, but we have to figure out the right way to do it."

The problem porting it across to, say, the iPhone essentially revolves around notifications. "The notifications infrastructure for Android [2.2] is amazing and unique" said Barra, "... that just doesn't exist on other platforms, so the experience wouldn't be as magical as it is at the moment". Even if there are technical hurdles in the way it is certainly welcome news for those not using Android to know that Google is trying to bring its services to as many platforms as it can.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Nokia Appoints New CEO    [ 10-09-2010 17:53 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Nokia     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

It's out with the old and in with the new at Nokia as long serving CEO Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo is given the heave ho in favour of new CEO Stephen Elop. If you think the new CEO doesn't sound Finnish you'd be correct, he's Canadian and a former employee at Microsoft to boot. In fact Elop, a trained computer engineer, has held posts at Macromedia, Adobe and Juniper Networks in addition to his time spent at Microsoft.

The new CEO has been praised for his 'very strong culturals ensitivity', a reference to the concern many in Finland might have had over a non-Finn taking charge of the countries biggest and most successful company. To that end Elop will be relocating to Helsinki and has promised to 'listen' as his first order of business. A reference, no doubt, to the sorry state Nokia find itself in these days with the competition banging on the door and customers becoming increasingly disillusioned with their products.

As for Kallasvuo he is leaving with a bulging wallet thanks to a very generous severance package that reflects the 30 years he has worked for Nokia. He will take away 18 months worth of salary and incentives, which total some 4.6 million euros in addition to 100,000 shares.

Rating: Rating: 1

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