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Wednesday 08 September 2010

Google Instant Coming to Mobile Devices    [ 08-09-2010 18:55 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: TechCrunch     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

You may already be familiar with Google Instant, the new feature the search giant is rolling out that instantly displays search results as you type without you having to hit the 'search' button. It looks to work pretty well actually and quickly too. Just to be clear, this isn't just Google trying to guess what you are searching for as they do already when you start to enter a search term, rather this is Google instantly displaying search results as you begin typing words and updating those results instantly as you continue to type an the search term changes.

Currently the feature is working with IE8, Safari, Firefox and of course Google's own Chrome. The feature is also set to make the transition to mobile devices, sometime around autumn according to Google. It should especially useful on mobile devices where typing can sometimes be slow or awkward, especially with longer words. The initial mobile demo was, as you might expect, shown on an Android handset so presumably Android will be the first to get it. When and indeed if other platforms will see this remaisn to be seen.

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Apple Game Center Goes Live ... But Not For the iPhone 3G    [ 08-09-2010 18:30 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Apple     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Way back when Apple announced the formation of 'Game Center', their platform for multi-player gaming and now they've finally gone live with it. Good news right? Well yes, sort of. You see it's good news as long as you don't own an iPhone 3G, which are not going to be supported. That's despite the fact that second generation iPod Touches are supported. The 2nd generation iPod Touch shares some hardware with the 3G and it was initially thought that would mean it too would be left out in the cold. Apparently not.

In a somewhat gushy statement Apple enthused:

"Game Center lets friends - and soon-to-be-friends - in on the action. Invite someone to join, then get a game going. Or go up against people you don’t know, from anywhere in the world, in a multiplayer game. It’s your world. Everyone else is just playing in it."

You'll nee iOS 4.1 to make use of Game Center, and of course an appropriate device i.e. iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 or iPod Touch from second generation onwards. You will use your existing Apple ID as your login.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Video: Qualcomm Demos AR Photo App    [ 08-09-2010 18:29 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Augmented reality has been with us for a while now, but it has yet to really take off in a big way, mostly being confined to novelty pieces or proof of concept designs. One of Augmented Reality's biggest boosters has been Qualcomm, you know the chaps who make all those Snapdragons for your smartphones? They have been working on an AR SDK to help devs come up with new applications and in London today their CEO, Paul Jacobs, was showing off a rather cool AR app for uploading pictures to digital photo frames.

It may not sound earth shattering, but, as you will see in the video below, it does look pretty damn cool. What's even more important than the cool factor though is that here we have a practical application for AR that could be used by ordinary people in their own homes or offices. I'm not saying this will revolutionize the industry or anything like that, but it does show what sort of everyday solutions this technology can address. Check out the videos below.

Rating: Rating: 1

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