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Wednesday 05 May 2010

Injunction Might Stop iPhone HD Releae?    [ 05-05-2010 21:34 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

There's some concern mounting that Apple may be prevented froms selling its next iPhone by litigation. Before we jump the gun this has nothing to do with Gizmodo or even Adobe trying to put the boot in, it's down to LG, the company said to be manufacturing the screen for the next iPhone. Lg, as these mobile companies are want to do, has decided to sue someone, the someone in this case being another company called AUO, which, LG is claiming, pocketed some of its screen technology. Unfortunately for LG their litigious adventure has taken a bit of a erong turn and a U.S. court has ruled in favour of AUO and branded LG as the infringing party. So what does all this have to do with Apple? Well AUO, if they wanted to stick it to LG, could ask for an injunction against LG that would prevent them from selling anything involving the screen technology in question, which would include the iPhone HD. Effectively Apple could announce the product and start selling it worldwide, but in Apple's home turf of the U.S. it would be conspicously absent from the shelves.

Now we don't want you to have nightmares so remember that this is still a 'what if' scenario. There has been no injunction as yet and as far as anyone knows Apple are free to sell whatever they like. All we're saying is that it might turn out like this ... stranger things have happeed ...

Rating: Rating: 2

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Moto Milestone Android 2.1 Update Available Today in UK    [ 05-05-2010 21:03 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

British Milstone users may forget all about the election today when they hear the news that their device is finally getting the nod and receiving an upgrade to Android 2.1. The update brings another Android powered handset up to date and perhaps goes a little way towards healing the fragmentation of Android, at least in the short term and in one territory, in this case the UK. It is still the case though that different Android handsets are running a plethora of version numbers, something that may be an increasing problem for Google, not to mention the device manufacturers themselves. At any rate Milestone users can be bang up to date from today, the download is available now, all they have to do is go and get it!

Rating: Rating: 1

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Palm Pixi Plus to Launch In Spain ... No Pre In Sight    [ 05-05-2010 11:44 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: PhoneArena     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Vodafone's Spanish customers should be able to enjoy some webOS goodness soon as the Palm Pixi Plus makes it's way to the Iberian Peninsula. The launch date is 10th May, which is next Monday. Katie Mitic, Palm's senior vice-president of Product Marketing and one of their bigwigs who apparently stayed on before the sale, gave the usual corporate pitch ahead of the launch "We are excited to bring the Palm Pixi Plus to Spain for Vodafone customers. Consumers will be able to benefit from the unprecedented power and ease of use afforded them with the award-winning Palm webOS experience. With Pixi Plus, customers across Spain will be able to get more done by staying connected and never missing a thing." What is interesting about this launch, however, is that Spaniards will indeed be able to enjoy webOS, but only in the form of the Pixi, there won't be any Pre Plus launched alongside it. Why that should be so we don't know, but it will nevertheless be interesting to see how Spain reacts to the Pixi without the Pre there, which some may argue would have overshadowed the Pixi.

Rating: Rating: 5

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