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Thursday 24 June 2010

HTC Mozart To Be 1st Windows Phone 7 Device?    [ 24-06-2010 16:13 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Engadge via IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Windows Phone 7 has a lot of people excited and to be fair, from what we have seen so far, that excitement doesn't seem to be mispalced. However, the most frustrating aspect of Windows Phone 7 has been a decided lack of information about its launch, either when it will be or what handsets will be first out of the starting blocks. In terms of when Microsoft are only saying that it will make an appearance around the 'Holidays', which at least narrows it downt o the end of the year if not an exact month. There has been even less chatter on the device front, but a leaked shot from Australian network Telstra showing their roadmap makes mention of an HTC device called 'Mozart'. The device is listed as running Windows Phone 7 and the release date is given as 'October'. That would fit in with the 'Holidays' spiel coming from Microsoft and even some optimisitc reports that Windows Phone 7 might indeed make an appearance around October. Whilst some have pointed out that the handset pictured in the photo is a mockup, or certainly seems to be a redressed Desire at any rate, firmware genius Conflipper has stated that Mozart is very much real and that it should also be heading to T-Mobile USA as well as Telstra.

Rating: Rating: 4

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Froyo Final Build Available for Nexus One OTA    [ 24-06-2010 15:52 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

We've been gawking at Froyo for some time now, but actual availability of the latest iteration of Android hasn't exactly been bountiful. The Nexus One was the first handset to receive the update and it is breaking another first, this time it's the first handset to get the final build of Froyo via an over the air update. An unofficial build sprung up a few days ago and Google said that the official version would soon be coming along and they have kept to their promise. The update comes less than 24 hours after Froyo's ource code, in keeping with Android's open nature, was made public. The update is available to download right now, but a note of warning before you go ahead and download; the update is available for those running with build FRF50 not the unofficial FRF72. Of course, seeing as it is now available over the air you can just go into settings and get the update that way.

Rating: Rating: 2

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iPhone 4 Launch ... Stock Not So Plentiful    [ 24-06-2010 15:38 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The big story of the day, whether you're a fan or not, is of course the launch of the iPhone 4. However, in addition to the problems we reported on earlier, it seems that the launch is not going as smoothly as everyone involved might have hoped for. Stock levels appear to be significantly lower than many retailers would have hoped for. As an example, one company in the UK, Carphone Warehouse, placed an order for 60,000 iPhones for launch day, but received just 16,000. Indeed some UK retailers have apparently still not received their assigned shipments of iPhones. There were also reports that Apple was having problems with its servers with the result that those waiting at Apple stores had to endure a slightly longer wait than they would have hoped for. Steve Wozniak was on hand at the San Jose Valley Apple store to mingle with the eager shoppers as they waited for their iPhones, you cancheck that out in the video below. On Apple's website orders are still being taken for the black iPhone 4G with a shipping date being given as mid-July.

Rating: Rating: 1

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iPhone 4 Problems Appear ... Antenna Flaw & Display Discolouration    [ 24-06-2010 15:20 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Engadget & TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The iPhone 4 hasn't even been on sale for a day yet and problems with the handset are already emerging! There are two main problems coming to light, the most serious of which we will deal with first as it affects the network signal the handset can hold. The problem centres around holding the handset a certain way, namely holding the handset so that your hand touches the antenna that forms part of the phone's casing. When you hold it like this the handset loses signal, going from 5 bars to, at best, limited coverage and at worst no coverage at all. Before iPhone 4 owners get upset though the problem appears to be a visual one rather than a case of the handset actually dropping the signal, at least that's what TechRadar are saying. Engadget, on the other hand, are saying that this issue is actually casuing their handset to drop calls, but the issue was resolved by using the Apple 'Bumper', which shields the antenna from your touch. You can check out the signal dropping action for yourself in the video below:

The other problem we mentioned is affecting the screen, with some reporting a yellow discolourisation forming in the lower right hand section of the display. Engadget posted about this issue yesterday, saying that their own device was showing a yellow spot forming. In a poll Engadget currently have running some 13.9% (9,345 votes) of respondents say they have the same problem, which seems to suggest that it is fairly widespread. Take a look at the picture below to see for yourself:

Rating: Rating: 1

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