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Wednesday 23 June 2010

Samsung Galaxy S Rooted    [ 23-06-2010 17:20 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Rooting is one of the great things about Android and every time a new Android handset makes an appearance you know it won't be long before it gets rooted. Well the Samsung Galaxy S looks to be getting that treatment although the process as it stands is looking a bit shaky. A Russian coder named LeshaK has come out saying that he has a solution, despite not actually having a Galaxy S himself, and has posted up instructions on how to go about it. He's create a kernel for easy unpacking and also given the relevant commands for doing it yourself. It doesn't appear to be too involved, essentially changing permissions on 'su' and flashing the handset with less stringent permissions. Importantly though, and the reason we said that it is looking a bit shaky, some users are reporting infinite boot loops as a result of carrying out the procedure so be warned before you guy trying this yourself. Definitely read through all the available material first before going ahead with any changes that might ruin what is a rather nice handset.

Rating: Rating: 4

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Video: The Truth About Android    [ 23-06-2010 15:59 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Mosspuppet.com     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

I simply had to post this, it is just too funny not to share with you. The video is from Mosspuppet.com, a parody of everyone's favourite tech journalist (apart from our own Eldar of course!) Walt Mossberg. In this particular clip he is answering some of the more common points forwarded as to why Android is a better OS than iOS. You should most definitely go and check out the other videos on the site, they are all worth watching. Anyway enough chatter, watch the video!

Rating: Rating: 2

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Pics: iPhone 4 Disassembled    [ 23-06-2010 15:46 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Who doesn't enjoy seeing a handset ripped apart to see what's inside? Well probably the owner of the handset, but nevertheless someone has done just that to an iPhone 4. The internals throw up some interesting things such as the way the display has been put in place. The LCD screen is actually glued in place directly against the glass outer screen that you tap with your fingers. What this means is that should the glass screen break then there is a good chance that the LCD is going to get busted too. There have been a few tests done on the iPhone 4 to test just how durable it is and from the data so far it looks like the screen will break after less than half a dozen drops from around waist height.That doesn't sound like huge amount, especially when you consider most people will be using this phone for anywhere up to two years.

There was also confirmation that the iPhone 4 does indeed pack a 1 GHz processor after there has been some musings that the clock speed wasn't actually 1 GHz, and there is in fact 512 MB of RAM as had been speculated. Also of interest to many will be the battery, a 1420 MHz affair, that is supposedly jolly easy to replace. It isn't soldered into the phone like it has been in previous iPhones so there shouldn't be anywhere near the same hassle when replacing it. Take a look at the pictures taken of the disassembly below:

Rating: Rating: 1

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Google Maps Updated to v4.3    [ 23-06-2010 15:30 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Google Maps for Android is one of the platforms most popular features and it's just been given an update to make it even more useful than it already is. The first, and arguably most significant, update is in the form of train schedule information. In a nutshell you will be able to check train times from Google Maps. Just make sure you have the 'Transit' layer enabled and then select any train stationy ou want to find information for. Very handy stuff! Latitude has also been given the once over with the ability to go through friend's contacts and suggest sharing information with them. Of course Latitude is not for everyone, some do find a little too creepy, so as always you can easily opt out  by heading for the big red cross. Last, but not least, the Place Page has had a facelift with colour coding being introduced so that it's even easier to judge if you'll like somewhere. You can also view reviews of a particular place for a more in-depth look with categories such as 'food', 'service' and 'atmosphere'. You can get the update from the Market if you are running at least Android 1.6.

Rating: Rating: 1

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EVO 4G: Limites Removed on WiFi & Frame Rate    [ 23-06-2010 14:31 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: XDA-Devs via Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The EVO 4G has been getting a lot of love from the dev comunity with two rather swish bits of modding. The first relates to the handset's cap of 30 fps, something that is now a thing of the past thanks to the boffins at XDA-Developers having taken the reigns off. Videos have been posted showing the device blistering along at a much nippier 54 fps! A second video makes it clear why you'd want to bother doing this at all, an improvement to the touch tracking on the ahndset. Take a look at the video below to see for yourself and click here to find out how to do it for yourself. Once you're ready scroll on past the videos for the today's other EVO 4G hack.

Another odd limitation placed upon the EVO 4G has been its lack of 802.11n support despite the fact that it's internal hardware can easily cope with it. Step in the chaps at XDA-Developers again! They've had a play around and after changing just 10 characters in the code the device will now happily hook up to n networks. As always you can head on over and find out how to do this for yourself (just be warned that if you are a novice at this sort of thing you may want to think twice before doing anything that could potentially brick your phone).

Rating: Rating: 2

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