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Tuesday 08 June 2010

Apple Dismisses Unified Social Networking    [ 08-06-2010 20:13 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: The Telegraph     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Bad news for anyone looking for a unified social networking feed on their iPhone ... it probably won't happen any time soon. In an interview with the Daily Telegraph, Phil Schiller, Apple's senior vice president of world wide product marketing, was pretty blunt about the concept, saying that Apple was "unimpressed" by converged social streams on other devices. Those other devices would be handsets like the Droid, Desire, X10 etc. In general such social networking convergeance has proved popular with consumers and has seen a host of solutions to address the issue from Motorola's Blur to Sony Ericsson's Timescape. However, Schiller was adamant, saying that Apple simply weren't convinced that people wanted a unified stream and that Apple belived it would be a better balance to use multiple apps running simultaneously, which would allow users to 'tune out noise' and focus on things they were interested in.

Whilst Schiller's comments were brief and hardly an in-depth discussion on the matter they are revealing and will almost certainly cause some disappointment amongst many iPhone users who had perhaps been hoping for something similar on the social networking front as the likes of HTC and Motorola have been providing to their customers. It's worth pointing out that this doesn't mean Apple will never support a converged social networking presence, like other features they may be taking their time over it. For the moment multi-tasking between different social media apps is as good as it gets on the iPhone.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Video: iPhone 4 Retina Display    [ 08-06-2010 20:04 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The iPhone 4's 'retina display' has certainly been grabbing a lot of attention, and with good cause. It promises to be the highest resolution display of any handset anywhere in the world. Now there have been pictures posted up that show the iPhone 4 beside an older model to demonstrate the difference between the two displays, but you've no doubt been hankering after a video of this thing. Well Engadget have had a chance to play with the device and have posted up just such a video for your enjoyment! Check it out.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Microsoft - No Porn in Marketplace    [ 08-06-2010 16:31 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Microsoft have taken a puritanical line to their app Marketplace by declaring that there will be no sexually suggestive material allowed. The move is revealed in a set of policies that developers will have to abide by if they want to code apps for Windows Phone 7 handsets. It's a similar line to Apple's, which pulled scores of sexually risque apps from the App Store although it did leave some in place such as Sports Illustrated. Whether Microsoft will also make exceptions for well known brands is unclear at the present time. Google, for their part, haven't clamped down on porn in the Anroid Market and given their generally laisse faire attitude to the issue probably won't any time soon. The Marketplace itself is already open for business if you have a Windows Mobile 6 device, but the real action is expected to start once the first Windows Phone 7 handsets launch.Microsoft are also aping Apple in their policies on charging for access to the Marketplace with devs being asked to stump up $99 a year for unlimited access. Devs will be free to submit up to 5 free apps, but every app over that limit will be $19.99 to submit. Microsoft will take a 30% share of any money an app makes, which is once again the same policy Apple has.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Apple Bumper Case - Or Lack Thereof    [ 08-06-2010 15:48 ]

Author: Irina Turina     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

I meant to comment upon this yesterday, but must have got sidetracked in the general drama of the day, but in the midst of the whole iPhone 4 shebang that was going on Apple slipped in a small section at the end of the keynote about accessories. It was Apple's own brand of case that caught ym attention, for two reasons. The first being that these cases may have come directly from the insistence of Jobs himself. I say that because some time ago I was reading through a collection of accounts given by people who had met Jobs in person; one such account was from an employee in an Apple store. The employee observed Jobs looking over the range of Belkin accessories the store sold and loudly proclaimed in the middle of the shop that they were, quote, 'shit'. Now we see Apple releasing their own cases. Coincidence? Perhaps. The other point that makes me mention these cases is the fact that there is almost literally nothing to them! Apple's iPhone 4 cases essentially just wrap around the side of the phone leaving the front and back bare. It's really more of a cheap way of producing different coloured iPhones. I'm not a fanboy by any means and I hold a somewhat neutral positon on Apple, but one couldn't help thinking that these little 'non-cases', rubber bands really, summed up all the criticism that people level at Apple, in others words all style and no substance. Maybe I'm being overly critical by focusing so much on a case for a phone, but it's funny sometimes the things that make you think.

Rating: Rating: 2

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iWorks Coming to iOS Devices    [ 08-06-2010 15:30 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Pocket-lint via Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The chaps over at Pocket-lint spotted something rather interesting on a screenshot of the iPhone 4 posted by Apple, namely an option on screen that read "Open in 'Keynote'". The option was on display in the Mail app wholst reading an email. Aside from the obvious questions it raises the matter gets even more interesting in that Apple quickly pulled the screenshot and replaced it with a similar one, the difference being the previous option had been replaced with one reading "Open in 'iBooks'". It looks therefore as if iWorks will be coming to iOS 4, sooner rather than later if the original screenshot was anything to go by. No doubt it will see service across the full range of iOS devices, including the iPad and it is almost certainly a feature that many people will make good use of to get some work done whilst on the move. It's curious though that Apple didn't mention anything about this at yesterday's keynote event, but presumably it isn't quite ready yet although if they have screenshots made up already one assumes it's not far off completion. Don't expect this to be free, if Apple are charging for iMovie on iOS then they'll be charging for iWorks too.

Rating: Rating: 1

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HTC Aria/Liberty Leaks Again    [ 08-06-2010 15:07 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: AndroidGuys via Gizmodo     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

You may recall the leaked shot of a new HTC handset going by the name 'Aria' that surfaced last week, a small Android powered device that was said to be exclusive to American network AT&T. Well another shot has cropped up today looking decidedly better than the first one it has to be said. Interestingly the handset has apparently been re-christened as the Liberty althuough, as Gizmodo points out, this might actually be a different handset altogether. In any case there isn't a huge amount of information to go on at the moment, but the cuttlebut is that this thing will be running with an ARM 11 chip inside and geature a 320x480 display. Obviously with so little information available there is no word of a release date yet. The first picture that leaked last weak is on top, whilst the newer one from today is below.

Rating: Rating: 1

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