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Wednesday 14 July 2010

Windows Phone Live Offers 25 GB Storage, GPS Tracking & Remote Wipe    [ 14-07-2010 19:28 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Microsoft will be launching a web side support service alongside its forthcoming Windows Phone 7 platform. In a move that will shock no one the service is to be called Windows Phone Live. It will offer users 25 GB of space to share files through SkyDrive, a GPS service for finding your phone known as 'Find My Phone', and also provide the ability to remotely lock and wipe your phone too. You will also be able to check on data that has been synced between the phone and the cloud and best of all the service will be completely free. That's in keeping with the similar service Blackberry have just announced, 'Blackberry Protect'. It also means that Apple's MobileMe service is increasingly looking like the odd man out seeing as it still charges customers for use. Perhaps an even odder man out though is Android, which currently has nothing like this at all. That's especially surprising considering how internet focused Google is. Hopefully Google will follow suit and get something in place soon.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Appls Snaps Up Another Map Company    [ 14-07-2010 19:13 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Gizmodo     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Apple and Google aren't exactly the best buddies they used to be, in fact it would probably be fair to say that they are a few words away froma fist fight at times these days. In a move that looks suspiciously like an attempt to position itself for a salvo against Google Apple have snapped up another mapping company, this time Canadian firm Poly9. What's so interesting about this acquisition is that Poly9 have been working on a project called 'Globe', which is basically their version of Google Earth, albeit one that runs on any platform and uses up only 303kb. Apple acquired Placebase,another mapping company, last year and combined with Poly9 one has to wonder what Apple are up to. Certainly their very own maps app and version of Google Earth are good guesses and such projects would be another poke in the eye for Google. It would also mean that Apple could leverage a bit more control over its own platform by supplanting Google's apps.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Opera Mini 5.1 for Android Is Go!    [ 14-07-2010 18:58 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Opera have launched the latest version of their mobile browser for Android, version 5.1 to be exact. It comes only a few days after the Java version of 5.1 was released for non-smartphones and is focusing very much on improving performance. To be fair Opera Mini 5 was a pretty nippy fellow to begin with so improving upon its already impressive credentials looks to be a hard thing to do. What Opera have done is to improve page layout for the latest devices with high-res screens, a welcome addition considering how widespread such devices are becoming. The update is available in the Android Market right now so you can pop along and grab it for yourself.

Rating: Rating: 2

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UK Sees 'Tiny' Amount of iPhone 4 Returns    [ 14-07-2010 18:22 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Pocket-lint     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The iPhone 4 launch has been ... well a bit of a PR disaster to be blunt, what with yellowing screens, faulty antennas, stock shortages, and even one iPhone 4 catching fire. However, whilst all those things make great fodder for tech writers like myself what is actually going on behind the headlines? Well Pocket-lint have been doing a bit of research on that very topic, and athough it is limited to the UK it does provide a fascinating insight into how customers, by and large, have responded. Pocket-lint contacted the major British networks selling the iPhone 4 to find out how many people had returned them. The answers they got were pretty much unanimous; some returns, but no more than the networks would expect with any other handet. In other words, despite tech sites going gaga over the iPhone 4's various problems the people actually buying the device are either not experiencing those problems or simply don't care.

O2 said they were seeing minimal returns of the iPhone 4 and Vodafone reiterated that point saying its own iPhone 4 returns "... have been tiny". Orange didn't respond to Pocket-lint directly, but sources close to the matter informed them that Orange too was seeing only minimal returns. The same situation was repeated across the various retailers selling the iPhone 4, such as the Carphone Warehouse, which was seeing 'nothing out of the ordinary' in terms of returns.

So if there are serious problems with the iPhone 4, especially the issues surrounding its antenna, then why aren't people returning them? That's a more difficult question to answer, but a best guess would be that most people simply aren't experiencing the antenna problem, or if they are it isn't as pronounced as in some of the reports we've seen. The idea that people don't care, whilst as valid a theory as any other, is probably less likely. If there is a major problem, such as poor signal performance, and it is being widely reported on then chances are people probably will care enough to return the handset.

Rating: Rating: 2

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