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Tuesday 13 July 2010

HP Teases With Possibility Of webOS Device With Flexible Display    [ 13-07-2010 16:31 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: BGR     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

In one of those tantalising off-hand comments that company executives often make that tease rather than fully inform Phil McKinney, VP & CTO for HP's Personal Systsems Group, dropped it into conversation that HP/Palm may, just may, be looking at a webOS device with a flexible display. He was speaking at the MobileBeat 2010 conference and showing off some HP products, including a low-power mylar based flexible display that can playback video. The device got its fair share of attention from the assembled throngs and McKinney commented that "these are the kinds of display technologies that will change what we think of in form factors, both in products from Palm with flexible displays, and with HP." Not that this comment gives us anything concrete of course, but it is certainly an interesting avenue for Palm to explore. It does say one thing for definite though and that is that HP is committed to Palm and by extension webOS, something that webOS supporters may have worried about in the wake of Palm's acquisition. It also shows that HP and Palm are looking beyond conventional designs and ideas, again another good sign for those who may have despaired at seeing anything unique coming from Palm again.

Rating: Rating: 4

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Second Source Confirms Blackberry Tablet Specs & Adds Flash    [ 13-07-2010 16:05 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Unwiredview     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The much talked of Blackberry tablet just can't keep out of the headlines these days, only yesterday we were reporting on the latest leaked specs from analyst Ashok Kumar. Well there's some more to the story today with Betanews saying that the tablet is going to support Flash 10.1 straight out of the box. That's would tie in very nicely indeed with the announcement from Adobe's CEO that Blackberry OS will be supporting Flash 10.1 by the second half of this year. Couple this with a hardware Flash accelerator and the alleged Blackberry tablet is looking sweeter and sweeter, especially for those weighing up whether or not to buy an iPad. It's also perhaps a sign that RIM realises that despite it's strong position in the mobile space the computing market is virgin ground for them and as such they're going to have to play a strong game there to compete with the likes of the iPad. Betanews also confirmed the specs that Mr Kumar had stated e.g. the 1 GHz processor, the 7 inch screen etc. However, Betanews couldn't confirm Mr Kumar's assertion that the tablet would be out in time for the holiday season, but given the sheer amount of chatter that is cropping up over this device it would be more of a surprise if we didn't see it by the end of the year.

Rating: Rating: 4

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Trillian for Android Coming Soon    [ 13-07-2010 15:12 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Trillian is already available to Blackberry and iPhone users and now the Android crowd are set to get in on the multi-network messaging action too. Cerulean Studios, the chaps behind Trillian, have announced that they're brining the popular messaging client to Google's finest in the near future, indeed the beta versions of the Android client are all set to launch within weeks. It will be available for a lot of Android users too, not just those running the latest version as it will work on Android versions 1.6 and upwards. In case you aren't familiar with Trillian it's a multi-network messaging app that ties in chats across disparate paltforms such as Facebook, MSN, GTalk, Jabber and more. The Android version will also allow you to sync contacts, avatars, status and so on with Trillian supported desktop apps and of course it will support Android notifications. In fact the Android app will be tailored for Android with Cerulean promising that it won't just be a 'clone from the iPhone'. So you can expect a separate look and feel for the app.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Stunning HTC Concept Should Be Produced    [ 13-07-2010 14:55 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: deign fabulous via Pocket-lint     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

We don't normally go in for reporting on concepts or renders, but every one in a while one comes along that is just too good not to post. That description most certainly fits this HTC concept created by Andrew Kim. It's called the HTC 1 and quite frankly it looks stunning, certaily a departure from current HTC models, not that they look bad or anything, but to say the HTC 1 is eye catching would be an understatement. It would be machined brass with a silver finish and has a twist action that allows the handset's display to be viewed at varying angles when the device is on a flat surce, like a table. Kim has even included his own version of HTC's much praised UI, SENSE, albeit in a reduced minimalist fashion that includes full screen widget displays. To make things a little more exotic the concept also features a UV light that kills germs whilst the handset is being charged.

Kim has set up his own website to show off his concept and you can read more on it and view more pictures of it here.

Rating: Rating: 3

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Gartner Analyst: Symbian Re-Arranging Deck Chairs On The Titanic    [ 13-07-2010 14:50 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Gartner     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Gartner analyst Nick Jones has just published an appraisal of Symbian that could, at best, be described as bleak for the beleagured operating system. Underpinning his analysis is his estimation that the rate at which Symbian is losing market share is actually accelerating. He goes on to mention that Gartner's forecasts for the platform, which are due to be published at the end of the month, make for some depressing reading for Symbian backers. Symbian won't be losing its position as the largest OS in the world in the immediate future though, but Jones isn't looking beyond a few years for that title to slip.

Symbian has come in for a lot of criticism of late with some of the most damning, and arguably the most poignant, coming from the usually loyal fanbase. Jones homes in on one basic failing that is contributing more than anything else to Symbian's rapid decline: the user experience. He sees this as being uncompetitive with both Android and iOS and no doubt many Symbian fans would agree with him on this point. The analysis makes an excellent point about resource prioritisation in the sense that the Symbian Foundation is talking a lot about things like "Audio policy packages for Symbian, WIFi direct, support for an “open cloud manifesto”, an accredited Symbian developer program for China, better multitasking, multiple personalised home screens ...". The question being asked is whether these things are in fact luxuries that should be put aside until the core problem with the paltform, the user experience, is addressed. Jones even goes as far as to say that Symbian 4 is a 'bet the platform' project' and that perhaps Symbian might want to divert some engineers into 'skunksworks' projects in case Symbian 4 fails and the company needs a fallback position.

Some might wonder whether Jones is being too bleak, but at the same time it is undeniable that both Android and iOS are capturing mindshare as well as market share and that Symbian is increasingly seen as the dinosaur in the room. Android especially poses a danger to Symbian wth its fast pace of change and accelerating gains in the market. Jones wraps up his analysis with a line that may very well prove prophetic "I think the Symbian foundation is just re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic and ignoring the Android iceberg ahead."

Rating: Rating: 1

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