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Wednesday 01 December 2010

Video: PlayStation Phone In The Wild    [ 01-12-2010 20:13 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Techblog.gr     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Those waiting patiently for the PlayStation Phone to finally make an official appearance will just have to wait longer, but at least you can content yourself with this video fo the device that has popped up on the interwebs today.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Moto Olympus Pops Up Again    [ 01-12-2010 19:03 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Gizmodo     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Moto's upcoming Olympus device has been spotted again and this time she's lifting her petticoat a little further to reveal more of her secrets.

For starters the device sports an HDMI out slot in addition to the standard micro-USB slot found on Android handsets. The device is coming in very thin indeed and it looks like it will be shipping with Motorola's custom UI onboard, MotoBlur. The screen appears to be a 4 inch job and given the HDMI out port as well the LG Star looks to have a love rival.

Rating: Rating: 3

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Nielsen Figures Continue To Show Android's Rise    [ 01-12-2010 18:23 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Nielsen     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

In today's second round of statistics we take a look at Nielsen's smartphone figures for the U.S., which once again show big gains for Android.

That Android has made further inroads into the market should be no surprise to anyone who has been following recent smartphone trends, but the sheer scale of Android's growth, and the speed of that growth, are mind blowing.

At the start of this year Android held just 9% of the U.S. smartphone market, not even double digits. That has now rocketed up to a 22.7% share of the smartphone market. In less than a year.

The iPhone has remained relatively static, rising every so slightly from 28% at the start of 2010 to 29.7% now. That would seem to indicate that the iPhone 4 hasn't really done much togrow Apple's American userbase, rather it appears to have held it together more than expand it.

Blackberry started the year with a very healthy 35% of the smartphone market, but that has been fast crumbling, standing at 27.4% according to Nielsen. Windows Mobile has gone from 19% to 14% although of course they have launched a new paltform and we can't be sure how it will do yet, etc etc etc.

What is perhaps more interesting than the straght up marketshare numbers are the figures that come out research into people's upgrade plans. Of those smartphone users planning on upgrading 30% would opt for an iPhone and 28% would opt for an Android device. Not much between them really. Not so Blackberry, which mustered a rather unimpressive 13% of respondents.

Rating: Rating: 3

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Mobile OS Popularity Around The World    [ 01-12-2010 17:33 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Pingdom     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Two sets of statistics for you today folks! In this post we'll be looking at the popularity of mobile operating systems around the world, based on evidence from web analytics firm StatCounter.

The data is based upon web access from each platform and is broken down by region.

Android, despite is increasingly popularity around the globe accounted for more than 50% of mobile web traffic in just one country, South Korea. There it managed to wratchet up a very impressive 78.3% share. Austria came second with 27.3%, Taiwan third with 26.5% and Denmark in fourth with 25.3% of its mobile web traffic originating from Android handsets.

Symbian had some rather impressive numbers too, albeit in markets that are not exactly at the core of the global growth in smartphones. For example, Symbian accounted for a whopping 94% of all mobile web traffic in ... Chad. Libya wasn't far behind with 93.9% nor Sudan with 92.9%. By contrast Symbian accounted for 1.36% of American mobile web traffic.

iOS (inclusive of the iPhone and ipod Touch, but not the iPad) snagged 83.7% of mobile web traffic in Canada, but only 35% of America's mobile web traffic.

Click here for more stats.

Rating: Rating: 1

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