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Thursday 05 August 2010

Android Handsets: 200k/day Are Shipping    [ 05-08-2010 14:22 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Reuters     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Following on from yesterday's news that Android had taken the iPhone's crown as the biggest selling OS in the U.S. in the last quarter Eric Schmidt has been dishing out some other interesting numbers. Speaking at the Techonomy conference in Lake Tahoe, the Google CEO said that in terms of Android sales some 200,000 units were shipping per day at the moment. That's a pretty big figure and Schmidt underlined how pleased Google are with the rate of growth, saying "It looks like Android is not just phenomenal but an incredibly phenomenal success in its growth rate." He also made mention that he thought mobile advertising would take over from desktop advertising in terms of revenue, but crucially he wouldn't be drawn on giving a date. With 200,000 units a day though Google should be in a very good position to take advantage of that change when it does come.

Schmidt also threw the crowd a bone about the much rumoured Facebook rival that Google is apparently working on. Commenting upon previous rumours Schmidt quipped that "There have been a whole bunch of leaks, some that have been correct, some that have not been correct. In general it's better to not talk about unannounced products." He then went on to add "In general, we always believe that our products would be better with more social signals." The much talked of project seems to be, according to the current rumour mill, some sort of mash-up between a social platform like Facebook and a gaming platform that will offer the same sort of annoying fun games we currently see on Facebook. Another Google Wave in the making or another GMail waiting to blossom?

Rating: Rating: 1

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WinMo Staggers On - Falls To Single Digit Market Share    [ 05-08-2010 14:17 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: TechFlash     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Yesterday the big news was of course Android surging past the iPhone to become the top selling mobile platform in the U.S. What many, including ourselves, missed though was what was happening at the other end of the scale. The 'sick man' of the mobile OS world, Windows Mobile, was quietly staggering on, but had dipped to single figures, just 9% market share in the last quarter. There are two main reasons for this, both as obvious as each other really. On the one hand you have the likes of Android and iOS tearing up the asphalt with new customers and grabbing all the headlines, and on the other hand you have the fact that Microsoft has effectively abandoned WinMo in favour of its new OS Win Phone 7. Windows Mobile has been cast out like a sick member of the heard to die, or be eaten by the wolves. It's also worth mentioning that Nielsen's figures don't take into account corporate customers, which, if they were included, would probably see WinMo riding just a little higher. At any rate it's one more sign that this relic of the past has had its time and must give way to the future ...

Rating: Rating: 1

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Sharp Look to 3D Handsets For Global Growth    [ 05-08-2010 14:15 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Pocket-lint     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Sharp are looking to get back into the global mobile phone market, years after their own brand handsets went the way of the dinosaur. Sharp are currently one of the big players in the Japanese market, but of course Japan's mobile market is a law unto itself so success there doesn't necessarily translate into success elsewhere. Indeed many Japanese mobile firms have found it difficult to find success beyond their homeland despite various attempts. Sharp did have a range of reasonably popular clamshells available through Vodafone some years ago, but they never really made any serious inroads into the market. Now the company is hoping that 3D technology will give them the lucky break they need (manufacturing the Kin for Microsoft certainly didn't!). To that end they're planning on releasing a series of handsets in 2010 that feature the technology.

The new handsets will feature a 3D screen using Sharp's own technology that allows for viewing 3D images without the need for separate glasses. The handsets are also said to include a 3D enabled camera for taking 3D pictures to view on that screen. The thing is though 3D is seen by many as a bit of a novelty more than a serious feature that is in high demand. Of course if Sharp produce genuinely good handsets that don't just centre around a gimmick then we may have something interesting on our hands.

Rating: Rating: 1

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RIM Comes Out Fighting: "if governments can't deal with the internet they should shut it off'    [ 05-08-2010 12:44 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: WSJ     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

With both the UAE and Saudi Arabia banning Blackberrys, and Indonesia looking to set to join them, many may have thought that behind the scenes the two sides would be furiously hammering out a deal to avoid just such a situation. If comments made by RIM co-CEO Mike Lazaridis are anything to go by, however, that doesn't look to be the case at all. Speaking about the issue Lazaridis said that everything on the internet is encrypted and thus this wasn't an issue solely centred on Blackberry and that if they [governments looking to ban Blackberrys] "... can't deal with the Internet, they should shut it off." Strong comments and they came in an interview with the Wall Street Journal that was described as being 'fiery'. Mr Lazaridis isn't known for pulling his punches and he went on to say that a lot of the people RIM have been dealing with in this issue "... don't have Ph.Ds, and they don't have a degree in computer science." That sounds like fighting talk to us, but neverhteless Lazaridis was confident that the matter can be resolved "... if there is a chance for rational discussion."

Rating: Rating: 1

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Nokia VP Will Be Answering Questions On Twitter Later Today    [ 05-08-2010 12:05 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: BGR     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Nokia haven't exactly been burning it hot recently, what with poorly received smartphones over the past year or so, losing the number one position in Western Europe; constant rumours about their CEO stepping down; fan sites closing down because of a loss of faith in the company, and a general malaise, especially centred on their smartphone range. With all of that going on many Nokia fans probably want some answers from those running the company. Well today you might just get your chance as Niklas Savander, the new head of sales and merketing at Nokia, will be answering questions via Twitter. The action will be taking place later today between 6-7 pm GMT. You can fire off your questions to Niklas' Twitter channel @NiklasatNokia and you may even get a reply! The statement from Nokia on this little exercise is as follows:

"... tomorrow 5 August between 6-7pm GMT (10-11am PDT, 1-2pm EDT) Niklas is inviting you to spend an hour answering your questions and feedback on his Twitter channel @NiklasatNokia."

Rating: Rating: 1

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