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CeBIT 2003 at the weekend

CeBIT 2003 - first day of the exhibition, part 1

CeBIT 2003 - first day of the exhibition, part 2

CeBIT 2003 or 7 Euro to get home...

It’s not a secret that lesser number of companies took part in the exhibition. There were also not many visitors there. Unbelievable, but you could easily get any stand with new models, view and try them. Many hope that the situation would change in weekend, but it wasn’t (similar to last year). Certainly, there were more visitors there, but not multitude. One of the reasons is very expensive tickets. However, many companies were ready to such things. Every year you could notice that there are lesser barkers and pretty girls with booklets at the stands. Nevertheless, CeBIT is very large and you can observe amusing scenes there rather often. Now is weekend, so, let me tell not about mobile phones today, but just about a spirit of the exhibition and some technologies which I found very interesting.

It was a fine weather during two previous days, but it is overcastting and dank at the weekend

The photos below can prove my words that the companies were not going actively to attract visitors, though they attented the exhibion at the weekend.

Rarely and unexpectedly girls were appeared from different directions. It was impossible to fix their position.

Russian companies were differed from other companies in response of this question. Last year there were fewer girls at the stand of CBOSS, but this year the company rose to the occasion and pretty girls presented at the stand.

A booth of Russian company – "Euroset" is located near to this stand. I doubt that German visitors are interested in Russian retail company, but it is a well-taken marketing action.

On the whole, there are several Russian stands on the exhibition. Firstly, a combined stand which is named Russian Science; then a booth of Kaspersky anti-virus lab, Abbyy. It was rather animatedly there.

Generally speaking, shows are a part of the exhibition, usually the greatest number of shows were in pavilion №26.

Alcatel enables you to take a photo with Julia Roberts and Richard Gir, their doubles, of course. Photos were made with a help of built-in camera and then printed. The quality was not good. Below you can see my variant of picture.

Sometimes nice pictures attracted your attention. This girl resembled me a heroine of The Thousand and One Nights, may be because of a lamp made in the shape of a snake.

And these two charming girls look like ice queens, though they are very cheerful in reality.

I failed to guess a title of this fairy tale, and you?

A human-safe offered us to play with him. Your right answer on the question allows you to get a code to the safe. Then, you could take a ticket there and if you were lucky, you could win a digital camera. We had a successful try with a safe, but couldn’t receive a prize.

Not far from this place you could win a TV set in the same kind of way.

There were many beautiful stands, but only some of them were really memorable. Few photos can be viewed below.

Autos are presented on each exhibition and CeBIT is not an exception.

I don’t trust to WinCE systems, so, I doubt that I’d used this car.

While some visitors enjoy the exhibition, others try to assemble an engine. An equipment was really impressive! It’s interesting, why is it necessary to turn just a screw.

This virtual figure is busy with something else, but has almost the same equipment.

Many people have an opportunity to drive a car, but not con. Sharp decided to provide this possibility and introduced a respective simulator, which was a cut copy of a captain's bridge. But this attraction was closed after one of the visitors crashed a tanker. Probably the company was afraid of attract attention of terrorists.

When I went outside, I noticed a nice advertisement.

A dog and its puppies welcomed me at the entrance of the pavilion.

I also try to tell few words about technologies of the future. It is a virtual fitting-room, which enables you to avoid sometimes a rather tiresome process of changing the clothes. The elaboration of ShopLab is very convenient. First you could select a color, a texture, a color and a style on the screen; then, come to the mirror with a special card, where you will see your reflection in this thing. When you define all paramenters, you can try a selected thing in reality. It’s very interesting elaboration, even, taking into account that many question should be solved before it would be commercial.

And at last, sweet phones as a present for those who could read this article to the end.

Later we’ll tell about other interesting technologies and mobile phones. Stay connected.

CeBIT’ 2003. Mobile phones from Samsung

CeBIT 2003. Mobile phones from NEC and devices of the future

CeBIT 2003. Sharp – mobile phones and PDA

CeBIT 2003. Asus – a new player on the mobile phone market

CeBIT 2003. Mobile phones from Sanyo

CeBIT 2003. Mobile phones from Philips, Alcatel, LG

Eldar Murtazin (eldar@mobile-review.com)
Translated by Maria Sennikova(maria@mobile-review.com)

Published — 15 March 2003

Have something to add?! Write us... eldar@mobile-review.com



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